South Africa 2001 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
ZA2001A_RELATE | Relationship to head of household | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_MARST | Marital status | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_SPLOCO | Person number of spouse | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_RACE | Race/ethnicity | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_LANG | Language | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_RELIG1 | Religion | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_RELIGGR | Religion (grouped) | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_BORNSAF | Born in South Africa | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_BPLPROV | Province of birth | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_BPLCTRY | Country of birth | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_BPLCTRY2 | Country of birth (grouped) | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_CITIZ | Citizenship | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_CITIZGR | Citizenship (grouped) | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_USLRES | Usually live here | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_USLPROV | Province of usual residence | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_MOVED | Living in same place five years ago | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_YRMOVED | Year moved | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_PRVPROV | Province five years ago | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_DSSIGHT | Disability - sight | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_DSHEAR | Disability - hearing | P | South Africa 2001 | |
South Africa 2001 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
ZA2001A_DSCOMM | Disability - communication | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_DSPHYS | Disability - physical | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_DISMENT | Disability - intellectual | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_DISEMOT | Disability - emotional | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_DISAB | Type of disability | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_MOTHLIV | Mother alive | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_MOTHLOC | Mother's person number in household | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_FATHLIV | Father alive | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_FATHLOC | Father's person number in household | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_SCHOOL | Present school attendance | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_SCHTYPE | Type of educational institution | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_EDATTAN | Level of education | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_EDATTAN2 | Level of education (grouped) | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_EDFIELD | Field of education | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_WRKWEEK | Any work in the seven days before 10 October | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_WRKREASN | Reason why not working | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_WRKSEEK | Taking active steps to find a job | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_WRKAVAIL | Availability | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_EMPSTAT | Employment status (official definition) | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_EMPSTAT2 | Employment status (expanded definition) | P | South Africa 2001 | |
South Africa 2001 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
ZA2001A_EMPSTAT3 | Employment status (derived) | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_CLASSWK | Class of worker | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_IND1 | Industry, 1 digit | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_IND2 | Industry, 2 digit | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_IND3 | Industry, 3 digit | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_OCC1 | Occupation, 1 digit | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_OCC2 | Occupation, 2 digit | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_OCC | Occupation, 3 digit | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_HRSWRK | Hours worked during the 7 days before October 10 | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_WRKHERE | Place of work same as sub-place where usually lives | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_WRKPROV | Province of work | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_CHBORN | Total births | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_BORNMAL | Male births | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_BORNFEM | Female births | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_CHSURV | Total children still living | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_SURVMAL | Male children still living | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_SURVFEM | Female children still living | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_LSTMO | Date of last birth - month | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_LSTYR | Date of last birth - year | P | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2001A_LSTTIME | Years since last birth | P | South Africa 2001 |