United States 1980 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
US1980A_INCINVST | Interest, dividend, and rental income | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_INCOTHER | Other income | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_MIGRATE5 | Migration status, 5 years | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_MIGPLAC5 | State or country of residence 5 years ago | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_MIGMET5 | Metropolitan area of residence 5 years ago | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_MIGTYPE5 | Metropolitan status 5 years ago | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_MIGCITY5 | City of residence 5 years ago | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_WORK5YR | Working 5 years ago | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_MILIT5YR | Armed forces 5 years ago | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_COLL5YR | College 5 years ago | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_MIGCOGRP | County group of residence 5 years ago | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_SAMEMET5 | Lived in same metropolitan area 5 years ago | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_MOVEDIN | Year occupant moved into residence | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_MIGSAMP | Migration sample identifier | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_PWMET98 | Place of work metropolitan status, 1980 | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_PWTYPE | Place of work metropolitan status | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_PWSTATE2 | Place of work: state, 1980 | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_PWCNTYGP | Place of work county group | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_DISABWRK | Work disability | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_DISABTRN | Public transportation disability | P | United States 1980 | |
United States 1980 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
US1980A_WIDOW | Marriage ended by death | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_VETSTAT | Veteran status | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_VETWWI | Veteran, served during World War I era (April 1917 to November 1918) | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_VET75X80 | Veteran, served May 1975 to August 1980 | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_VETVIETN | Veteran, served during Vietnam era (August 1964 to April 1975 ) | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_VET55X64 | Veteran, served February 1955 to July 1964 | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_VETKOREA | Veteran, served during Korean conflict era (June 1950 to January 1955 ) | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_VETWWII | Veteran, served during World War II era (September 1940 to July 1947 ) | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_VETOTHER | Veteran of other period | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_TRANWORK | Means of transportation to work | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_CARPOOL | Carpooling | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_RIDERS | Vehicle occupancy | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_TRANTIME | Travel time to work | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_BIRTHQTR | Quarter of birth | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_PWMETRO | Place of work metropolitan area | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_PWCITY | Place of work city | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_QAGEMARR | Flag for age at first marriage | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_QAGE | Flag for age | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_QANCEST1 | Flag for ancestry, first response | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_QANCEST2 | Flag for ancestry, second response | P | United States 1980 | |
United States 1980 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
US1980A_QBIRTHMO | Flag for quarter of birth | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_QBPL | Flag for birthplace | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_QCARPOOL | Flag for carpooling | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_QCHBORN | Flag for children ever born | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_QCITIZEN | Flag for citizenship status | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_QCLASSWK | Flag for class of worker | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_QLANGUAG | Flag for language spoken and speaks English | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_QDISABTR | Flag for public transportation disability | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_QDISABWR | Flag for work disability | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_QEMPSTAT | Flag for employment status and labor force status | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_QEDUC | Flag for education attainment and highest grade of schooling | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_QHISPAN | Flag for hispanic origin | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_QHRSWORK | Flag for hours worked last week | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_QINCBUS | Flag for non-farm business and total personal income | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_QINCFARM | Flag for farm and total personal income | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_QINCINVS | Flag for Interest, dividend, rental and total personal income | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_QINCOTHE | Flag for other and total personal income | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_QINCSS | Flag for social security and total personal income | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_QINCWAGE | Flag for wage and salary and total personal income | P | United States 1980 | |
US1980A_QINCWELF | Flag for welfare (public assistance) and total personal income | P | United States 1980 |