Uganda 2002 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
UG2002A_QWASTE | Flag for method of solid waste disposal | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_QBATHTY | Flag for type of bathroom | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_QKITCH | Flag for type of kitchen | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_QVEHIC | Flag for own a motor vehicle | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_QMOTOCYC | Flag for own a motorcycle | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_QBIKE | Flag for own a bicycle | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_QCANOE | Flag for own a canoe | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_QDONKEY | Flag for own a donkey | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_QTV | Flag for own a television set | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_QRADIO | Flag for own a radio | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_QCELL | Flag for own a mobile phone | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_QPHONE | Flag for own a fixed phone | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_QPOSTAL | Flag for own a postal address | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_QEMAIL | Flag for own an electronic mail address | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_QINFOSRC | Flag for source of information | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_QLIVELI | Flag for source of livelihood | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_QSOAP | Flag for use soap | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_QSUGAR | Flag for consumed sugar | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_QBLANKET | Flag for have a blanket for each child under age 18 | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_QSHOES | Flag for have a pair of shoes | H | Uganda 2002 | |
Uganda 2002 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
UG2002A_QCLOTHTW | Flag for have two sets of clothing | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_QDEATH | Flag for death in household | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_HUT | Hut (derived) | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_POPTYPE | Population type | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_QPOPTYPE | Flag for population type | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_DEADN | Number of mortality records in original data | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_STRATA | Strata | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_RELATE | Relationship to the head | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_SEX | Sex | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_BIRTHMO | Month of birth | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_BIRTHYR | Year of birth | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_AGE | Age | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_RELIG | Religion | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_ETHNIC | Ethnicity/nationality | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_MOTHLIVE | Mother survival | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_FATHLIVE | Father survival | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_BPL | District or country of birth | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_PREVRES | District or country of previous residence | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_RESDUR | Duration of residence in district | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_DISAB1 | First disability/major disability | P | Uganda 2002 | |
Uganda 2002 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
UG2002A_DISAB2 | Second disability | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_DISCAU1 | Cause of Disability 1 | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_DISCAU2 | Cause of Disability 2 | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_REHAB1 | Rehabilitation of disability 1 | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_REHAB2 | Rehabilitation of disability 2 | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_SCHOOL | School | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_EDATTAIN | Education Attainment | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_EMPSTAT | Employment status in the last seven days | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_IND | Industry | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_OCC1 | Occupation, 1 digit | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_OCC | Occupation, 3 digits | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_LIT | Literacy | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_MARST | Marital status | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_CHBORNM | Male children ever born | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_CHBORNF | Female children ever born | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_CHHHM | Male children living in household | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_CHHHF | Female children living in household | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_CHAWAYM | Male children living outside the household | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_CHAWAYF | Female children living outside the household | P | Uganda 2002 | |
UG2002A_CHDEADM | Male children dead | P | Uganda 2002 |