Romania 1977 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
RO1977A_DWNUM | Dwelling number | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_PERNUM | Person number (within household) | P | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_PERN | Number of persons in household | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_URBAN | Urban-rural | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_BLDTY | Designation of the building | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_CONYR | Construction year | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_CONMAT | Construction material | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_ELEVAT | Elevator for persons | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_BLDTYB | Type of building | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_STORYB | Number of floors in the building | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_DWN | Number of dwellings in the building | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_OWNTYB | Ownership type | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_SEWERB | Sewerage installation, building | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_ELECTB | Electrical installation, building | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_WATSUPB | Water supply installation from the public network, building | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_GASB | Gas, building | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_HEATB | Central heating, building | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_FACILB | Utility installations, building | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_DWOWNER | Type of ownership, dwelling | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_STORYD | Floor level of the dwelling | H | Romania 1977 | |
Romania 1977 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
RO1977A_WATSUP | Water supply system, dwelling | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_WATLOC | Water supply system location, dwelling | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_HOTWAT | Hot water supply installation, dwelling | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_SEWER | Sewerage installation, dwelling | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_ELECT | Electrical installation, dwelling | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_GAS | Gas for cooking in the kitchen, dwelling | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_HEAT | Type of heating, dwelling | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_ROOMS | Number of living rooms | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_AREA | Area of living rooms (sq m) | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_BLDTYD | Type of building in which the dwelling is located | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_HHNO | Number of households in the dwelling | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_OWNDWD | Tenure status of the household in the dwelling (combination between households) | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_FACIL | Utility installation facilities, dwelling | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_PERNDO | Number of persons comprising the households from the dwelling | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_ROOMS2 | Number of total rooms 4 sq.m. and larger | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_AREA2 | Area of total rooms 4 sq.m. and larger | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_KITBATH | Existence of bathroom and kitchen | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_HHNUMO | Order number of the household | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_OWN | Tenure status of the household in the dwelling | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_OWNDWH | Tenure status of the household in the dwelling (combined with other households) | H | Romania 1977 | |
Romania 1977 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
RO1977A_PERNO | Number of persons in the household | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_FAMN | Number of family nuclei in the household | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_STRATA | Strata | H | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_PERNUMO | Order number of the person | P | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_RELATE | Relation to the household head | P | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_BPL | Place of birth: 1977 county or country | P | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_RESYR | Year moved to current locality | P | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_RESPR | Previous residence: 1977 county | P | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_SEX | Sex | P | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_BIRYR | Date of birth: year | P | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_BIRMON | Date of birth: month | P | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_MARST | Marital status | P | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_CHBORN | Number of children born alive | P | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_NATION | Ethnicity | P | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_EDLEV | Type of the highest level of school graduated | P | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_SCHTY | Type of school attending | P | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_LANG | Mother tongue | P | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_IND | Industry of supporter | P | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_SECTOR | Socio-economic sector of supporter | P | Romania 1977 | |
RO1977A_OCC | Occupation of supporter | P | Romania 1977 |