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Area of living rooms (sq m)

RO77A052 is a 4-digit numeric variable.


9999 = Unknown.


This variable indicates the total area of all permanent living rooms in the dwelling (in square meters).

Living rooms are typically bedrooms, dining rooms, living rooms, guest rooms, studies, servant's rooms and lobbies. They must have at least 4 square meters of floor surface, must be at least 1,80 meters high over most of the surface, and must receive day light either directly or through windows and doors through other rooms. See enumeration materials for further detail. This variable differs from AREA2 (RO77A060) in that AREA2 includes such rooms as kitchens, baths, corridors, and other dependencies, provided they meet the minimum space requirements.


  • Romania 1977: All households


  • Romania: 1977

Integrated variables

  • None