Malawi 2008 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
MW2008A_DWNUM | Dwelling number | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_PERNUM | Person number (within household) | P | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_PERN | Number of persons in household | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_FBIG | Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_HHTYPE | Type of household | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_STRUCT | Type of dwelling structure | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_TENURE | Tenure of the dwelling | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_ROOF | Main material of the roof | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_WALLS | Main material of the walls | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_FLOOR | Main material of the floor | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_ROOMS | Number of rooms | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_BEDROOMS | Number of rooms for sleeping | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_OCCUPNTS | Number of occupants | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_WATRDRY | Main source of drinking water in dry season | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_WATRWET | Main source of drinking water in wet season | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_TOILET | Type of toilet facility | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_LIGHTING | Main source of energy for lighting | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_FUELCOOK | Main source of energy for cooking | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_RADIO | Owned a radio | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_TV | Owned a television | H | Malawi 2008 | |
Malawi 2008 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
MW2008A_REFRIDGE | Owned a refrigerator/deep freezer | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_HOTPLATE | Owned a cooker/hot plate | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_BICYCLE | Owned a bicycle | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_MOTOCYC | Owned a motorcycle | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_CAR | Owned a car or truck | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_PHONE | Owned a telephone | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_OXCART | Owned an ox-cart | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_MOSQNET | Owned an ITN (insecticide-treated net) | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_EMIGHH | Household had emigrant member(s) | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_REMITT | Household received remittances | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_REGREMIT | Regularity of remittances | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_DEATHHH | Household had deaths in last 12 months | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_RESMALE | Present residents - male | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_RESFEM | Present residents - female | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_RESTOTAL | Present residents - total | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_VISMALE | Visitors - male | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_VISFEM | Visitors - female | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_VISTOT | Visitors - total | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_ENUMMALE | Total enumerated - male | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_ENUMFEM | Total enumerated - female | H | Malawi 2008 | |
Malawi 2008 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
MW2008A_ENUMTOT | Total enumerated - total | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_URBAN | Urban/rural status | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_NMORT | Number of deaths in last year | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_NMIG | Number of emigrants in last ten years | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_TA2 | Town (traditional authority) | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_STRATA | Strata | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_RELATE | Relationship to head of household | P | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_SEX | Sex | P | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_BIRTHMO | Month of birth | P | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_BIRTHYR | Year of birth | P | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_AGE | Age | P | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_BPL | District or country of birth | P | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_MALAWI | Malawian | P | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_NATION | Nationality | P | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_RESSTAT | Residence status | P | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_RELIG | Religion | P | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_TRIBE | Tribe | P | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_PREVRES | District or country of previous residence | P | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_RESDUR | Duration of residence (years) | P | Malawi 2008 | |
MW2008A_DISAB1 | Type of disability, first | P | Malawi 2008 |