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Kyrgyzstan 1999   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
KG1999A_CLASSW5 Employment on individual basis P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_CLASSW6 Unpaid family worker P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_CLASSW7 Personal subsidiary plots P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_CLASSW8 Scholarship/stipend P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_CLASSW9 Pension P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_CLASSW10 Benefits and allowances, excluding unemployment benefits P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_CLASSW11 Unemployment benefits P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_CLASSW12 Other type of state maintenance P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_CLASSW13 Income from property P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_CLASSW14 On dependence P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_CLASSW15 Other sources of income P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_INCSRC Main source of income P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_IND Activity type of an enterprise you are working in P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_WKLOC Location of work P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_OCC Main activity P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_WKLOOK Looking for a job P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_WHYNOT Reason for not looking for job P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_CHBORN Children ever born P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_CHLIVE Children alive P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_CHSEP Children living separately P Kyrgyzstan 1999
Kyrgyzstan 1999   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
KG1999A_FERTMISS No answer to fertility questions P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_CLASSWK Main source of livelihood P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_OCC3 Occupation P Kyrgyzstan 1999