Indonesia 1985 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
ID1985A_DWNUM | Dwelling number | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_PERNUM | Person number (within household) | P | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_PERN | Number of persons in household | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_URBAN | Urban/rural | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_HHINCSRC | Source of household income | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_OWNLAND | Household owned farmland | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_LANDAREA | Area (in hectares) of the farm land owned | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_AVGMEXP | Average monthly expenditure (thousands of Rp) | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_BLDTYPE | Physical building type | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_MFLOORS | Multifloor building | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_BLDUNITS | Number of census units in building | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_BLDHHS | Number of households in census unit | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_OWNERSHP | Ownership status of living quarters | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_LANDSTAT | Ownership status of land | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_ROOF | Type of material of roof | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_WALLS | Type of material of wall | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_FLOOR | Type of material of floor | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_LVAREA | Floor area (in square meters) of living quarters | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_PLOTAREA | Total area (in square meters) of land including living quarters | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_LIGHTING | Type of energy used for lighting | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
Indonesia 1985 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
ID1985A_FUELCOOK | Type of energy used for cooking | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_WTRDRINK | Source of drinking water | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_WTRDIST | Distance between well and septic tank/sewage disposal | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_WTRWASH | Source of water for bathing | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_BATH | Bathing facilities | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_TOILET | Toilet facilities | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_CUPBOARD | Cupboard | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_STOVE | Stove | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_BICYCLE | Bicycle | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_RADIO | Radio/cassette tape player | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_TV | Television | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_HHWT | Household weight | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_HHMEMBRS | Total number of household members | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_BIRTHS | Total number of births last year | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_INFDEATH | Total number of infant deaths last year | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_DEATHS | Total number of deaths last year | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_STRATA | Strata | H | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_PSERIAL | Person number | P | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_RELATE | Relationship to head of household | P | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_SEX | Sex | P | Indonesia 1985 | |
Indonesia 1985 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
ID1985A_AGE | Age | P | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_MARST | Marital status | P | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_RELIG | Religion | P | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_CITIZ | Citizenship | P | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_BPLPROV | Province of birth | P | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_BPLMUNI | Regency/municipality of birth | P | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_MIGPROV | Ever lived in another regency/municipality | P | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_DURPROV | Length of time lived in current regency/municipality | P | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_PREVPROV | Province of previous residence | P | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_PREVMUNI | Regency/municipality of previous residence | P | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_MIGREAS | Reason for moving | P | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_MOMHH | Own mother living in household | P | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_MOMLOC | Serial number of own mother | P | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_PROV5YR | Province lived in October 1980 | P | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_MUNI5YR | Regency/municipality lived in October 1980 | P | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_SCHOOL | Current school attendance | P | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_EDLEVEL | Highest level of school attended | P | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_EDGRADE | Highest grade attended | P | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_EDATTEND | Highest grade attending/attended | P | Indonesia 1985 | |
ID1985A_EDATTAIN | Highest level of education completed | P | Indonesia 1985 |