Canada 1991 [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
CA1991A_LANGMOTH | Mother tongue | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_LANGHOME | Home language | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_LANGFIR | First official language spoken | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_LANGOTH | Knowledge of non-official languages | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_L_ABOR | Knowledge of an Aboriginal language | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_L_GERM | Knowledge of German language | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_L_NETH | Knowledge of Netherlandic languages | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_L_ITAL | Knowledge of Italian language | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_L_SPAN | Knowledge of Spanish language | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_L_PORT | Knowledge of Portuguese language | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_L_POL | Knowledge of Polish language | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_L_UKR | Knowledge of Ukrainian language | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_L_GRK | Knowledge of Greek language | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_L_CHIN | Knowledge of Chinese language | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_L_AA | Knowledge of Austro-Asiatic languages | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_L_ARAB | Knowledge of Arabic language | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_L_PUNJ | Knowledge of Punjabi language | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_L_INDO | Knowledge of other Indo-Iranian languages | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_SCHOOL | School attendance | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_GRADE | Highest grade of elementary or secondary school | P | Canada 1991 | |
Canada 1991 (continued) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
CA1991A_EDCERT | Secondary school graduation certificate | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_EDLEV | Highest level of schooling | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_OTHCERT | Trades and other non-university certificates | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_DEGREE | Highest degree, certificate or diploma | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_FIELD | Major field of study | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_UNIVYR | Years of university | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_EDOTHYR | Years of other non-university education | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_EDYRS | Total years of schooling | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_MOVER5 | Mobility status -- 5 years ago (Place of residence) | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_MOVER1 | Mobility status -- 1 year ago (Place of residence) | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_PROV5 | Province/Territory of residence 5 years ago | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_PROV1 | Province/Territory of residence 1 year ago | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_EMPSTAT | Labour force activity | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_WKPLACE | Place of work | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_CLASSWK | Class of worker | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_WKFULL | Full-time or part-time weeks worked in 1990 | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_WKHRS | Hours worked in reference week | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_WKLAST | When last worked | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_WKWEEK | Weeks worked in 1990 | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_OCC | Occupation (1991 classification basis) | P | Canada 1991 | |
Canada 1991 (continued) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
CA1991A_OCC80 | Occupation (1980 classification basis) | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_OCC71 | Occupation (1971 classification basis) | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_IND80 | Industry (1980 standard industrial classification) | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_IND70 | Industry (1970 standard industrial classification) | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_INCTOT | Total income | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_INCWAGE | Wages and salaries | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_INCSELF | Self-employment income | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_INCALLOW | Family allowances | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_INCCRED | Federal child tax credits | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_INCPENS1 | Old age security pension and guaranteed income supplement | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_INCPENS2 | Canada or quebec pension plan benefits | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_INCUNB | Unemployment insurance benefits | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_INCOTHG | Other income from government sources | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_INCGOVT | Total government transfer payments | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_INCINV | Investment income | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_INCRET | Retirement pensions, superannuation and annuities | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_INCOTH | Other money income | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_POVERT | Income status (1990 low income cut-offs) | P | Canada 1991 | |
CA1991A_HHM | Primary household maintainer indicator | P | Canada 1991 |