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Work Variables -- PERSON    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
FR1968A_CLASSWK Class of worker P France 1968
FR1968A_UNEMP Unemployment duration P France 1968
FR1968A_TRANS1 Main form of transportation P France 1968
FR1968A_TRANS2 Second means of transportation P France 1968
FR1968A_TRANS3 Third means of transportation P France 1968
FR1968A_TRANSNUM Number of forms of transportation P France 1968
FR1968A_WORKERS Number of paid workers P France 1968
FR1968A_REGWORK Region of workplace P France 1968
FR1968A_QUALIF Qualification P France 1968
FR1968A_EMPSTAT Employment status P France 1968
FR1968A_SWORKREG SAPHIR region of workplace P France 1968
FR1968A_SACTIVITY SAPHIR type of activity P France 1968
FR1968A_SCLASSWK SAPHIR class of worker P France 1968
FR1975A_EMPSTAT Employment status P France 1975
FR1975A_QUALIF Qualification P France 1975
FR1975A_NEMPLOY Number of employees P France 1975
FR1975A_DURUNEMP Duration of unemployment P France 1975
FR1975A_CATPOP Category of the population in detail P France 1975
FR1975A_CLASSWK Class of worker P France 1975
FR1975A_WORKREG Region of work P France 1975
Variable Label
Type Sample
FR1975A_SREGWRK SAPHIR region of workplace P France 1975
FR1975A_SACTIV SAPHIR type of activity P France 1975
FR1975A_SCLASSWK SAPHIR class of worker P France 1975
FR1982A_POPCAT Detailed population category P France 1982
FR1982A_EMPSTAT Type of activity P France 1982
FR1982A_LOOKING Seeking employment P France 1982
FR1982A_ACTIV3 Type of non-work activity P France 1982
FR1982A_EMPLOYS Number of paid employees P France 1982
FR1982A_PRINCJOB Principal job P France 1982
FR1982A_PAIDEMPS Sector of firm of employee P France 1982
FR1982A_FIRMSIZE Size of firm P France 1982
FR1982A_CLASS1 General class of worker P France 1982
FR1982A_CLASSWKR Class of worker P France 1982
FR1982A_PLACEWRK Place of work P France 1982
FR1982A_PLACEWK1 Works abroad P France 1982
FR1982A_WORKREG Place of work, region P France 1982
FR1982A_SREGWORK SAPHIR region of work place P France 1982
FR1982A_SACTIVITY SAPHIR activity type P France 1982
FR1982A_SCLASS SAPHIR class of worker P France 1982
FR1990A_EMPSTAT Employment status P France 1990
Variable Label
Type Sample
FR1990A_UNEMP Period searching for a job during unemployment P France 1990
FR1990A_CLASSWK Class of worker P France 1990
FR1990A_EMPLOYEE Job condition P France 1990
FR1990A_PROF Professional job P France 1990
FR1990A_PROF2 Professional job condensed P France 1990
FR1990A_WORKERS Number of workers (for employers) P France 1990
FR1990A_TRAVTIME Time spent working P France 1990
FR1990A_REGWORK Region of workplace P France 1990
FR1990A_SWORKREG SAPHIR region of workplace P France 1990
FR1990A_SACTIVITY Saphir harmonized type of activity P France 1990
FR1990A_SCLASSWK SAPHIR class of worker P France 1990
FR1999A_JOBSKDUR Length of job search P France 1999
FR1999A_EMPSTAT Type of employment activity P France 1999
FR1999A_PARTTM Part-time P France 1999
FR1999A_PLACEWK Place of work P France 1999
FR1999A_WKREG Region of place of work P France 1999
FR1999A_TRANSWK Means of transportation P France 1999
FR1999A_WGEARN Wage earner status P France 1999
FR1999A_WKTY Detailed status of working population holding a job P France 1999
FR1999A_EMPTY Employment conditions P France 1999