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Work Variables -- PERSON    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PA1980A_WORKHRS Hours worked last week P Panama 1980
PA1990A_EMPSTAT1 Principal economic activity P Panama 1990
PA1990A_CLASSWKR Working Status P Panama 1990
PA1990A_EMPLOYED Employment status P Panama 1990
PA1990A_EMPSECT Employment sector P Panama 1990
PA1990A_ECONACT Economically active P Panama 1990
PA1990A_WKLOOK Looked for work last week P Panama 1990
PA1990A_WHYNOT Reason for not looking for work P Panama 1990
PA1990A_EMPSTAT2 Employment status P Panama 1990
PA2000A_WORKED Worked last week P Panama 2000
PA2000A_WKLOOK Looked for work last week P Panama 2000
PA2000A_WKLOOKM Looked for work last three months P Panama 2000
PA2000A_WHYNOT Reason for not looking for work P Panama 2000
PA2000A_CONTRACT Contract type P Panama 2000
PA2000A_EMPSTAT Activity status recoded P Panama 2000
PA2000A_OCCCAT1 Occupational category P Panama 2000
PA2010A_WORKED Worked last week P Panama 2010
PA2010A_ABSWK Do you have a job from which you were temporarily absent last week? P Panama 2010
PA2010A_WKPAY Did you do any work for which you received any money last week? P Panama 2010
PA2010A_WKLOOKWK Looked for work last week P Panama 2010
Variable Label
Type Sample
PA2010A_WKLOOKMO Looked for work last month P Panama 2010
PA2010A_WHYNOT Reason for not looking for work P Panama 2010
PA2010A_CONTRACT Contract type P Panama 2010
PG1980A_ACTIVITY Economic activity in the last week P Papua New Guinea 1980
PG1980A_EMPSECT Type of employer P Papua New Guinea 1980
PG1990A_ACTIVITY Economic activity last week P Papua New Guinea 1990
PG1990A_WORK Worked last week P Papua New Guinea 1990
PG2000A_CLASSWK Class of work (last 7 days) P Papua New Guinea 2000
PG2000A_LOOKWORK Looking for job in the last four weeks P Papua New Guinea 2000
PG2000A_ACTIVITY Economic activity (past 7 days) P Papua New Guinea 2000
PY1962A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Paraguay 1962
PY1962A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Paraguay 1962
PY1972A_EMPSTAT Economic activity last week P Paraguay 1972
PY1972A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Paraguay 1972
PY1982A_EMPSTAT Economic activity during last week P Paraguay 1982
PY1992A_EMPSTAT Employment status last week P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Paraguay 1992
PY2002A_EMPSTAT Worked during the last week P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_WK Have a job but did not work last week P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_WKHELP Helped with others' job last week P Paraguay 2002
Variable Label
Type Sample
PY2002A_LOOKWK Looked for work during last 4 weeks P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_WKPAST Have worked before P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_WHYNOTWK Reason for not working last week P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_WKSECTOR Work sector P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_CONTRACT Contract P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_NWKRS Number of workers P Paraguay 2002
PE1993A_EMPSTAT Occupational category/employment status P Peru 1993
PE1993A_PERWK Number of persons working in workplace P Peru 1993
PE1993A_EMPSIT Employment situation P Peru 1993
PE2007A_WORKED Worked at least one hour last week for pay P Peru 2007
PE2007A_REASONWK Activity last week P Peru 2007
PE2007A_LASTNOWK Activity last week if not working P Peru 2007
PE2007A_CLASSWKR Main employment occupational category P Peru 2007
PE2007A_EMPSIZE Number of people working in place of employment P Peru 2007
PE2017A_EMPSTAT Worked last week for wage or in-kind income P Peru 2017
PE2017A_ACTIVITY Activity last week P Peru 2017
PE2017A_WKLOOK Actively looking for work last week P Peru 2017
PE2017A_EMPSIZE Number of workers in the workplace including respondent (in primary job last week) P Peru 2017
PE2017A_WKLOC Workplace location P Peru 2017