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Work Variables -- PERSON    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
NP2011A_NONWK Number of months spent not working in past 12 months P Nepal 2011
NP2011A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Nepal 2011
NP2011A_INACTIVE Reason for economic inactivity in past 12 months P Nepal 2011
NL1960A_CLASSWK Economic status P Netherlands 1960
NL1971A_CLASSWK Economic status P Netherlands 1971
NL2001A_CLASSWK Economic status P Netherlands 2001
NL2011A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Netherlands 2011
NI1971A_ECONACT Economic activity P Nicaragua 1971
NI1971A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Nicaragua 1971
NI1995A_EMPSTAT Work status last week P Nicaragua 1995
NI1995A_INFORMWK Informal work P Nicaragua 1995
NI1995A_HRSWORK Hours of work last week P Nicaragua 1995
NI2005A_WORKED Work status last week P Nicaragua 2005
NI2005A_ABSENT Absent from job last week P Nicaragua 2005
NI2005A_WORK2WK Looking for work last two weeks P Nicaragua 2005
NI2005A_NOLOOKWK Reason for not looking for work P Nicaragua 2005
NI2005A_NONWORK Activity performed last week (inactive persons) P Nicaragua 2005
NI2005A_WORKPAST Previous job P Nicaragua 2005
NI2005A_OTHACTIV Informal work last week P Nicaragua 2005
NI2005A_WORKHERE Workplace location P Nicaragua 2005
Variable Label
Type Sample
NI2005A_TEMPWORK Permanent or temporary job P Nicaragua 2005
NI2005A_CLASSWRK Class of worker P Nicaragua 2005
NI2005A_HRSWORK Hours of work last week P Nicaragua 2005
NI2005A_ECON Employment status P Nicaragua 2005
PK1973A_WORKED Worked last week P Pakistan 1973
PK1973A_CLASSWK Work status P Pakistan 1973
PK1973A_WORKHR Hours of work P Pakistan 1973
PK1973A_UNEMP Reason for unemployment P Pakistan 1973
PK1973A_LOOKWK Time looking for work (months) P Pakistan 1973
PS1997A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Palestine 1997
PS1997A_ECONACT Employment status: economically active P Palestine 1997
PS1997A_SECTOR Sector P Palestine 1997
PS1997A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Palestine 1997
PS1997A_PLWORK Place of work P Palestine 1997
PS2007A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Palestine 2007
PS2007A_SECTOR Sector P Palestine 2007
PS2007A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Palestine 2007
PS2007A_PLACWRK Place of work P Palestine 2007
PS2017A_ACTIVITY Activity status P Palestine 2017
PS2017A_WKOVERTM Willing and ready to work overtime P Palestine 2017
Variable Label
Type Sample
PS2017A_SECTOR Sector of work P Palestine 2017
PS2017A_WKLOC Place of work P Palestine 2017
PS2017A_EMPSTAT Main employment status P Palestine 2017
PS2017A_WRKCONTRCT Job contract for wage employee P Palestine 2017
PS2017A_PENSFUND Employer provides pension fund P Palestine 2017
PS2017A_PAIDLEAVE Employer provides paid annual leave P Palestine 2017
PS2017A_PAIDSICK Employer provides paid sick leave P Palestine 2017
PS2017A_PAIDMATERN Employer provides paid maternity leave (only for women) P Palestine 2017
PA1960A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Panama 1960
PA1960A_WORKED Worked all of the 1960 P Panama 1960
PA1960A_UNEMDUR Duration of unemployment P Panama 1960
PA1960A_CLASSWKR Class of worker P Panama 1960
PA1970A_EMPSTAT1 Type of economic activity P Panama 1970
PA1970A_EMPSTAT2 Class of worker P Panama 1970
PA1970A_HRSWK Hours worked P Panama 1970
PA1980A_WORK Had work last week P Panama 1980
PA1980A_WORKL Looked for work last week P Panama 1980
PA1980A_WHYNOT Reason for not looking for work last week P Panama 1980
PA1980A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Panama 1980
PA1980A_EMPTYPE Type of employment P Panama 1980