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Work Variables -- PERSON    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
IR2006A_CLASSWK Status in employment P Iran 2006
IR2006A_WORKLOC Place of work/education P Iran 2006
IR2011A_EMPSTAT Employment in the past 7 days P Iran 2011
IR2011A_WKSEARCH Job search in the past 30 days P Iran 2011
IR2011A_WKREADY Employment readiness P Iran 2011
IR2011A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Iran 2011
IR2011A_WKLOC Place of work P Iran 2011
IQ1997A_EMPSTAT Labor force status P Iraq 1997
IQ1997A_CLASSWK Status in employment P Iraq 1997
IQ1997A_SECTOR Sector of employment P Iraq 1997
IQ1997A_FULLTIME Work time P Iraq 1997
IE1971A_CLASSWK Class of worker, employment status P Ireland 1971
IE1981A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Ireland 1981
IE1981A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Ireland 1981
IE1986A_EMPSTAT Present status P Ireland 1986
IE1986A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Ireland 1986
IE1991A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Ireland 1991
IE1991A_CLASSWKR Class of worker P Ireland 1991
IE1996A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Ireland 1996
IE1996A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Ireland 1996
Variable Label
Type Sample
IE1996A_FULLTIME Type of work P Ireland 1996
IE1996A_MOUNEMP Months unemployed P Ireland 1996
IE2002A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Ireland 2002
IE2002A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Ireland 2002
IE2002A_ILOSTAT ILO Economic status P Ireland 2002
IE2002A_ILOHRS ILO Hours worked P Ireland 2002
IE2002A_CARER Unpaid carer P Ireland 2002
IE2006A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Ireland 2006
IE2006A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Ireland 2006
IE2006A_CARER Unpaid carer for other person P Ireland 2006
IE2006A_VOLUNT Voluntary activities P Ireland 2006
IE2011A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Ireland 2011
IE2011A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Ireland 2011
IE2016A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Ireland 2016
IE2016A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Ireland 2016
IE2016A_SOCECON Socio-economic group (SEG) P Ireland 2016
IE2016A_SOCCLASS Social class P Ireland 2016
IE2016A_CARER Unpaid carer P Ireland 2016
IL1972A_EMPSTAT In the labor force last week P Israel 1972
IL1972A_WKSWORK Weeks of employment last year P Israel 1972
Variable Label
Type Sample
IL1972A_HRSWORK Weekly hours of work P Israel 1972
IL1972A_TRANSWK Type of transportation to work P Israel 1972
IL1972A_CLASSWK Status of work P Israel 1972
IL1972A_WKLOC Locality of workplace P Israel 1972
IL1972A_WKLOCD District/subdistrict of workplace P Israel 1972
IL1972A_WKLOCR Natural region of workplace P Israel 1972
IL1972A_WKLOCMA Metropolitan area of workplace P Israel 1972
IL1972A_WKLOCJ Type of population of workplace P Israel 1972
IL1983A_EMPWK Weeks of employment per year (grouped) P Israel 1983
IL1983A_HRSWK Hours of work per week (grouped) P Israel 1983
IL1983A_CLASSWK Status at work P Israel 1983
IL1983A_TRANSWK Main type of transportation to work P Israel 1983
IL1983A_EMPPL Place of employment P Israel 1983
IL1983A_WKTIME Time of departure for work P Israel 1983
IL1983A_LABFORC Annual labor force P Israel 1983
IL1983A_DISTW District/sub-district of employment place P Israel 1983
IL1983A_REGIONW Natural region of employment place P Israel 1983
IL1983A_ORGAFW Organizational affiliation of employment place P Israel 1983
IL1983A_METROW Metropolitan area of employment place P Israel 1983
IL1995A_EMPSTYR Belongs to annual labor force P Israel 1995