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Work Variables -- PERSON    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
HU1980A_EMPSECT Sector P Hungary 1980
HU1980A_WKLOC Work location P Hungary 1980
HU1990A_EMPSTAT Economic activity P Hungary 1990
HU1990A_CLASSWK1 Status in employment P Hungary 1990
HU1990A_CLASSWK2 Staff group P Hungary 1990
HU1990A_SECTOR Employer's sector P Hungary 1990
HU1990A_COMMUTE1 Code of commuting P Hungary 1990
HU1990A_COMMUTE2 Where does he/she go to work from P Hungary 1990
HU1990A_LOCTYWK Type of locality of workplace P Hungary 1990
HU2001A_EMPSTAT Economic activity P Hungary 2001
HU2001A_HRSWK Hours worked per week P Hungary 2001
HU2001A_CLASSWK Status in employment P Hungary 2001
HU2001A_EMPSZ Number of employees of employer P Hungary 2001
HU2001A_SEEKJOB Seeking job P Hungary 2001
HU2001A_SEEKDUR Months seeking job P Hungary 2001
HU2001A_JOBENDYR Year of ending last job P Hungary 2001
HU2001A_COMMW Travel to work P Hungary 2001
HU2001A_COMMDURW Duration of daily journey to work P Hungary 2001
HU2001A_COMMLOC Works or studies in locality of residence P Hungary 2001
HU2011A_EMPSTAT Current activity status P Hungary 2011
Variable Label
Type Sample
HU2011A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Hungary 2011
HU2011A_NEMPLOY Number of subordinates or employees P Hungary 2011
HU2011A_WORKYR Year of ending last job P Hungary 2011
ID1971A_WKWEEK Worked last week P Indonesia 1971
ID1971A_ACTIVITY Activity last week P Indonesia 1971
ID1971A_EVERWORK Ever worked before P Indonesia 1971
ID1971A_CLASSWK Occupation class P Indonesia 1971
ID1971A_AGWORK Agricultural work last season P Indonesia 1971
ID1971A_AGSTATUS Agricultural work class P Indonesia 1971
ID1976A_EMPSTAT Primary activity during past week P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_WORKED Worked one or more hours during past week P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_CLASSWK Worker status P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_HHWORK Locus of activity P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_HRSWORK Hours worked past week P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_JOBS2 Secondary jobs during past week P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_NJOBS Number of additional jobs in past week P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_LOOKWK Looking for work P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_LOOKMO Number of months looking for work P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_SEEKFAM Asked family/friends for work P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_SEEKAD Replied to advertisement for work P Indonesia 1976
Variable Label
Type Sample
ID1976A_SEEKAPP Applied to factory/office for work P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_SEEKEXCH Registered with employment exchange for work P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_SEEKOTH Other effort in looking for work P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_WANTWORK Desire for work P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_UACTIVTY Usual activity during past year P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_WORK2MO Worked for more than 2 months last year P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_STATUSYR Worker status last year P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_HHWORKYR Locus of activity last year P Indonesia 1976
ID1980A_ACTIVITY Primary activity during the previous week P Indonesia 1980
ID1980A_WORKWEEK Worked last week P Indonesia 1980
ID1980A_ABSENTWK Holds a job but absent during the previous week P Indonesia 1980
ID1980A_EVERWORK Ever worked P Indonesia 1980
ID1980A_DAYSWK Numbers of days worked during the previous week P Indonesia 1980
ID1980A_HRSWORK Numbers of hours worked during the previous week P Indonesia 1980
ID1980A_HRSMAIN Number of hours worked in primary activity during the previous week P Indonesia 1980
ID1980A_CLASSWK Employment status in primary activity during the previous week P Indonesia 1980
ID1980A_JOB2ND Additional job during the previous week P Indonesia 1980
ID1980A_SEEKWORK Looked for work during the previous week P Indonesia 1980
ID1980A_REASNOWK Primary reason for not seeking work during the previous week P Indonesia 1980
ID1980A_WORKEDYR Worked during the previous year P Indonesia 1980