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Work Variables -- PERSON    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
FR1999A_CLASSWK Professional position P France 1999
FR1999A_NWK Number of wage earners P France 1999
FR1999A_OCCTY Socio-professional category P France 1999
FR1999A_INDCITI Industry, ISIC P France 1999
FR2006A_SOCIO8 Socio-professional category (1-digit) P France 2006
FR2006A_SOCIO24 Socio-professional category (2-digit) P France 2006
FR2006A_SOCIO42 Socio-professional category in 42 categories P France 2006
FR2006A_CLASSWKR Employment status P France 2006
FR2006A_WORKLOC Place of work P France 2006
FR2006A_WORKURB Urban-rural place of work P France 2006
FR2006A_SEEKWORK Length of time looking for work P France 2006
FR2006A_WAGEARN Professional status P France 2006
FR2006A_ACTIVTY Type of activity P France 2006
FR2006A_FULLTIME Work time/working hours P France 2006
FR2006A_TRANS Means of transportation P France 2006
FR2011A_OCC8 Socio-professional category (1 digit) P France 2011
FR2011A_OCC24 Socio-professional category (2-digit) P France 2011
FR2011A_EMPLTERM Employment status P France 2011
FR2011A_WKLOC Work location P France 2011
FR2011A_WKURB Urban-rural status, place of work P France 2011
Variable Label
Type Sample
FR2011A_WKSEARCH Length of job search P France 2011
FR2011A_WKSTAT Professional status P France 2011
FR2011A_EMPSTAT Employment status P France 2011
FR2011A_EMPSTD Employment status, 16 categories P France 2011
FR2011A_FULLTIME Work full time P France 2011
FR2011A_TRANS Mode of transportation P France 2011
DE1970A_ECON Economically active P Germany 1970
DE1970A_FARMER Farmer P Germany 1970
DE1970A_FAMBUS (Unpaid) assistant in family business P Germany 1970
DE1970A_UNEMP Unemployed / seeking work P Germany 1970
DE1970A_NOECON No economic activity P Germany 1970
DE1970A_HOMEMAKR Homemaker P Germany 1970
DE1970A_MILIT In military / armed forces P Germany 1970
DE1970A_TRANS Means of transport to school or work P Germany 1970
DE1970A_TRANTIME Time to school or work P Germany 1970
DE1970A_IND Industry P Germany 1970
DE1970A_CLASSWK Position in occupation P Germany 1970
DE1970A_OTHECON Other economic activity P Germany 1970
DE1970A_WKHOURS Usual hours worked per week P Germany 1970
DE1970A_PREVWORK Economically active in the past P Germany 1970
Variable Label
Type Sample
DE1970A_YRLSTWK Year of termination of former economic activity P Germany 1970
DE1970A_OCC2 Occupation, 2 digits P Germany 1970
DE1970A_OCC Occupation P Germany 1970
DE1970A_PUBSERV Rank of public servants P Germany 1970
DE1970A_MACHOP Machinery operation P Germany 1970
DE1970A_SUPERVIS Supervisory position P Germany 1970
DE1970A_EMPLOYS Number of persons employed P Germany 1970
DE1970A_SALEMPS Some of employees are salary-earners P Germany 1970
DE1970A_CULTAREA Agriculturally cultivated area (hectares) P Germany 1970
DE1971A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Germany 1971
DE1971A_ECONACT Economically active P Germany 1971
DE1981A_LIVEHOOD Source of livelihood P Germany 1981
DE1981A_FORMWORK Formerly working P Germany 1981
DE1981A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Germany 1981
DE1981A_ECONACT Location of work P Germany 1981
DE1981A_WORKOWN Ownership of place of work P Germany 1981
DE1981A_SOCGRPW Social group of economically active persons P Germany 1981
DE1987A_FULLTIME Economically active full time (over 36 hours per week) P Germany 1987
DE1987A_PARTTIME Economically active part-time (up to 36 hours per week) P Germany 1987
DE1987A_UNEMP Unemployed, looking for work P Germany 1987