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Migration: Global Variables -- PERSON    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
RO1992A_ABSENT Situation at the census moment P Romania 1992
RO1992A_HHAWAY Person belongs to a household in other locality P Romania 1992
RO1992A_PREVCNTY County of previous residence P Romania 1992
RO1992A_PREVRES Place of previous residence P Romania 1992
RO1992A_YRLEGRES Year of establishing legal residence P Romania 1992
RO1992A_YRRESID Year of establishing actual residence P Romania 1992
RO2002A_ABSENT Situation at the census moment P Romania 2002
RO2002A_ABSDUR Duration of absence P Romania 2002
RO2002A_ABSWHY Reason for absence P Romania 2002
RO2002A_MOVED Person permanently moved from legal residence P Romania 2002
RO2002A_PREVRES County or country of previous residence P Romania 2002
RO2002A_PREVRES2 Place of previous residence P Romania 2002
RO2002A_RESYR Year of establishing actual legal residence P Romania 2002
RO2002A_RESLEGC County of legal residence P Romania 2002
RO2011A_RESPREV Place of previous residence P Romania 2011
RO2011A_LOCYRS Years residing in current locality P Romania 2011
RO2011A_CNTRYPREV County of previous residence P Romania 2011
RU2002A_RESDUR1 Living in current locality since birth P Russia 2002
RU2002A_RESDUR2 Year moved to current locality P Russia 2002
RU2010A_RESDUR1 Lived in currenty locality since birth P Russia 2010
Variable Label
Type Sample
RU2010A_RESDUR2 Year moved to current locality P Russia 2010
RU2010A_REGPREV Region or country of residence 1 year ago P Russia 2010
RU2010A_URBPREV Urban place of residence 1 year ago P Russia 2010
RW1991A_VISITOR Residence status P Rwanda 1991
RW1991A_RESDUR Duration of residence in the current township P Rwanda 1991
RW1991A_RESPR Place of previous residence - province P Rwanda 1991
RW1991A_RESPRT Place of previous residence - township P Rwanda 1991
RW2002A_RESID Residence status P Rwanda 2002
RW2002A_RESDUR Duration of residence P Rwanda 2002
RW2002A_RESPREV Country or district of previous residence P Rwanda 2002
RW2002A_VISITOR Residence status (large groups) P Rwanda 2002
RW2012A_STATUS Residence status P Rwanda 2012
RW2012A_PROVRESPREV Province of previous residence P Rwanda 2012
RW2012A_RESPREV District or country of previous residence P Rwanda 2012
RW2012A_RESDUR Duration of residence in district (years) P Rwanda 2012
LC1980A_RESDUR Number of years lived in this district P Saint Lucia 1980
LC1980A_DISTPREV District last lived in P Saint Lucia 1980
LC1980A_DISTTOT Number of districts ever lived in P Saint Lucia 1980
LC1991A_CTRY1 Country last lived P Saint Lucia 1991
LC1991A_RESPREV District of previous residence P Saint Lucia 1991
Variable Label
Type Sample
LC1991A_MIGYR Year moved to this town or district P Saint Lucia 1991
SN1988A_RES5YR Department or country of residence 5 years ago P Senegal 1988
SN2002A_RESPR Region of residence 5 years ago P Senegal 2002
SN2002A_RESPD Department of residence 5 years ago P Senegal 2002
SN2002A_RESPA District of residence 5 years ago P Senegal 2002
SN2013A_CNTRY10YR Country of residence 10 years ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_REGION10YR Region of residence 10 years ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_DEPT10YR Department of residence 10 years ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_COMM10YR Commune, arrondissement, or village of residence 10 years ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_ARRURB10YR Urban arrondissement of residence 10 years ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_CACR10YR Commune arrondissement or commune rural of residence 10 years ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_CNTRY5YR Country of residence 5 years ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_REGION5YR Region of residence 5 years ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_DEPT5YR Department of residence 5 years ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_COMM5YR Commune, arrondissement, or village of residence 5 years ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_ARRURB5YR Urban arrondissement of residence 5 years ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_CACR5YR Commune arrondissement or commune rural of residence 5 years ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_MIGREAS Reason for moving P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_CNTRY1YR Country of residence 1 year ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_REGION1YR Region of residence 1 year ago P Senegal 2013