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Migration: Global Variables -- PERSON    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PG1980A_PROV5YR Province of residence at time of Independence in 1975 P Papua New Guinea 1980
PG1980A_DIST5YR District of residence at time of Independence in 1975 P Papua New Guinea 1980
PG1980A_CNTRY5YR Country of residence at time of Independence in 1975 P Papua New Guinea 1980
PG1990A_USUALRES Province or country of usual residence P Papua New Guinea 1990
PG1990A_RES1YR Province or country of residence last year P Papua New Guinea 1990
PG2000A_RESDUR Duration of residence in years P Papua New Guinea 2000
PY1962A_YRIMMIG Year of migration P Paraguay 1962
PY1962A_STAYDUR Status of non-migrants P Paraguay 1962
PY1962A_ORIGIN Department of previous residence P Paraguay 1962
PY1962A_URBORIG Urban or rural previous residence P Paraguay 1962
PY1972A_DEPT5 Department or country of residence 5 years ago P Paraguay 1972
PY1972A_DEPT5FORMIG Department or country of residence 5 years ago for migration P Paraguay 1972
PY1972A_MUNIC5 District of residence 5 years ago P Paraguay 1972
PY1972A_MUNIC5FORMIG District of residence 5 years ago for migration P Paraguay 1972
PY1982A_YRIMMIG Year of arrival P Paraguay 1982
PY1982A_DEPT5 Department or country of residence 5 years ago P Paraguay 1982
PY1982A_DEPT5FORMIG Department or country of residence 5 years ago for migration P Paraguay 1982
PY1982A_DIST5 District of residence 5 years ago P Paraguay 1982
PY1982A_DIST5FORMIG District of residence 5 years ago for migration P Paraguay 1982
PY1982A_URBAN5 Urban or rural area of residence 5 years ago P Paraguay 1982
Variable Label
Type Sample
PY1992A_YRIMMIG Year of arrival to current place of residence P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_RES Current place of residence P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_RESDEPT Department or country of current residence P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_RESDIST District of current residence P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_RESTYPE Place of current residence P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_RESSTAT5 Place of residence 5 years ago P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_RESDEPT5 Department or country of residence 5 years ago P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_RESDEPT5FORMIG Department or country of residence 5 years ago for migration P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_RESDIST5 District of residence 5 years ago P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_RESTYPE5 City or countryside 5 years ago P Paraguay 1992
PY2002A_RES Current residence P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_RESDEPT Department or country of current residence P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_RESDIST District of current residence P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_RES2 Urban-rural current residence P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_RES5YR Place of residence 5 years ago P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_RES5DEPT Department or country of residence 5 years ago P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_RES5DEPTFORMIG Department or country of residence 5 years ago for migration P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_RES5DISTFORMIG District of residence 5 years ago for migration P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_RES5YR2 Place of residence 5 years ago P Paraguay 2002
PE1993A_RESC88 Country of residence in 1988 P Peru 1993
Variable Label
Type Sample
PE2007A_RESCTRY Country of residence P Peru 2007
PE2007A_RESPROV Province of residence P Peru 2007
PE2007A_HERE5YR Was living in this district five years ago P Peru 2007
PE2007A_CTRY5YR Country of residence 5 years ago P Peru 2007
PE2007A_DEPT5YR Department of residence 5 years ago P Peru 2007
PE2007A_PROV5YR Province of residence 5 years ago P Peru 2007
PE2007A_BPLDEPT Department of birth P Peru 2007
PE2017A_USUALRES Permanent residence in current district P Peru 2017
PE2017A_RESDEPT Department of permanent residence P Peru 2017
PE2017A_RESPROV Province of permanent residence P Peru 2017
PE2017A_RESDIST District of permanent residence P Peru 2017
PE2017A_RESCNTRY Country of permanent residence P Peru 2017
PE2017A_RES5YR Place of residence 5 years ago P Peru 2017
PE2017A_DEPT5YR Department of residence 5 years ago P Peru 2017
PE2017A_PROV5YR Province of residence 5 years ago P Peru 2017
PE2017A_DIST5YR District of residence 5 years ago P Peru 2017
PE2017A_CNTRY5YR Country of residence 5 years ago P Peru 2017
PH1990A_OVERSEAS Overseas worker indicator P Philippines 1990
PH1990A_PREVPROV Previous province of residence P Philippines 1990
PH1990A_PREVMUN Previous municipality of residence P Philippines 1990