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Migration: Global Variables -- PERSON    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
IE2002A_RESYRAGO Region or country of usual residence one year ago P Ireland 2002
IE2002A_YRIMMIG Year taking up residency in Ireland P Ireland 2002
IE2002A_PREVCTRY Country of previous residence P Ireland 2002
IE2006A_USUALRES Usual residence flag P Ireland 2006
IE2006A_RESNOW Region or country of usual residence P Ireland 2006
IE2006A_RESYRAGO Region or country of usual residence one year ago P Ireland 2006
IE2006A_YRIMMIG Year taking up residency in Ireland P Ireland 2006
IE2006A_PREVCTRY Country of previous residence P Ireland 2006
IE2011A_USUALRES Usual residence flag P Ireland 2011
IE2011A_RESCNTRY Region or country of usual residence P Ireland 2011
IE2011A_CNTRY1YR Region or country of residence 1 year ago P Ireland 2011
IE2011A_YRIMMIG Year taking up residency in Ireland P Ireland 2011
IE2011A_PREVCTRY Country of last previous residence P Ireland 2011
IE2016A_USUALRES Place of usual residence P Ireland 2016
IE2016A_RES1YR Place of residence 1 year ago P Ireland 2016
IE2016A_YRIMMIG Year taking up residency in Ireland P Ireland 2016
IE2016A_CNTRYPREV Country of previous residence P Ireland 2016
IL1972A_RESYR Year of entry to the locality P Israel 1972
IL1972A_RESPREV Place of residence 5 years ago (1967) P Israel 1972
IL1972A_RESPREVL Locality 5 years ago P Israel 1972
Variable Label
Type Sample
IL1972A_RESPREVR Natural region 5 years ago P Israel 1972
IL1972A_RESPREVT Type of locality / organization affiliation 5 years ago P Israel 1972
IL1972A_RESPREVM Municipal status 5 years ago P Israel 1972
IL1972A_RESPREVJ Type of population 5 years ago P Israel 1972
IL1983A_LOCALYR Year entered locality P Israel 1983
IL1983A_RES5 Place of residence 5 years ago P Israel 1983
IL1983A_REGION5 Natural region 5 years ago P Israel 1983
IL1983A_LOCTY5 Type of locality 5 years ago P Israel 1983
IL1983A_METRO5 Metropolitan area 5 years ago P Israel 1983
IL1983A_MUNIC5 Municipal status 5 years ago P Israel 1983
IL1995A_SPECSTAT Special status: new immigrant or foreign worker P Israel 1995
IL1995A_LOCSEN Living in locality since birth P Israel 1995
IL1995A_LOCYR Year entered locality P Israel 1995
IL1995A_RES5 Place of residence 5 years ago P Israel 1995
IL1995A_METRO5 Metropolis or sub-district 5 years ago P Israel 1995
IL2008A_CNTRY5YR Country of residence 5 years ago P Israel 2008
IL2008A_RES5YR Place of residence 5 years ago P Israel 2008
IL2008A_URB5YR Metropolitan area of residence 5 years ago P Israel 2008
IL2008A_RESYR Year moving to the locality P Israel 2008
IL2008A_RESBPL Lived in the locality since birth P Israel 2008
Variable Label
Type Sample
IT2001A_ITALARRIV Year moved to Italy P Italy 2001
IT2001A_PLACSTED Place of habitual residence one year ago P Italy 2001
IT2001A_PROVSTED Province of habitual residence one year ago P Italy 2001
IT2001A_CONTSTED Continent of habitual residence one year ago P Italy 2001
IT2011A_BPLCNTRY Foreign region of birth P Italy 2011
IT2011A_CITIZEN2 Citizenship (world region) P Italy 2011
IT2011A_RESABRD Ever resided abroad P Italy 2011
IT2011A_MIGMO Month of most recent transfer to Italy P Italy 2011
IT2011A_MIGYR Year of most recent transfer to Italy P Italy 2011
IT2011A_MIGCNTRY Foreign region of last residence P Italy 2011
IT2011A_USUALRES Place of current residence (9 October 2011) P Italy 2011
IT2011A_RES1YR Place of residence one year ago (9 October 2010) P Italy 2011
IT2011A_RES1YR2 Place of residence one year ago (9 October 2010) P Italy 2011
IT2011A_CNTRY1YR World region of residence one year ago (9 October 2010) P Italy 2011
IT2011A_RES5YR Place of residence five years ago (October 9th 2006) P Italy 2011
IT2011A_RES5YR2 Place of residence five years ago (October 9th 2006) P Italy 2011
IT2011A_CNTRY5YR Foreign region of residence five years ago (9 October 2006) P Italy 2011
JM1982A_URES Usual residence (local or foreign) P Jamaica 1982
JM1982A_URESPAR Usual residence (parish in Jamaica) P Jamaica 1982
JM1982A_YRSPAR Number of years lived in this parish P Jamaica 1982