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Migration: Global Variables -- PERSON    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
GN1996A_RESDUR Duration of residence P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_RESPREV Previous prefecture or country of residence P Guinea 1996
GN2014A_RESDUR Length of residence P Guinea 2014
GN2014A_PREVREG Administrative region or world region of previous residence P Guinea 2014
GN2014A_PREVPREF Prefecture or country of previous residence P Guinea 2014
HT1971A_DURRES Length of residence in municipality of permanent residence (in years) P Haiti 1971
HT1971A_PREVRES Previous area of residence P Haiti 1971
HT1971A_PREVDEPT Department of previous residence P Haiti 1971
HT1971A_PREVARRON Arrondissement of previous residence P Haiti 1971
HT1971A_PREVMUNI Commune of previous residence P Haiti 1971
HT1982A_DURRES Length of residence P Haiti 1982
HT1982A_RES77 Arrondissement of residence in August, 1977 P Haiti 1982
HT1982A_RESPROV77 Province of residence in August, 1977 P Haiti 1982
HT2003A_RESBPL Length of residence in the city, district, or communal section P Haiti 2003
HT2003A_PREVRES2 Country or arrondissement of residence in December 1997 P Haiti 2003
HN1974A_ARRYR Year of arrival in the country P Honduras 1974
HN1974A_RES5YR Department or country of residence in 1969 (5 years ago) P Honduras 1974
HN1974A_MUN5YR Municipality or country of residence in 1969 (5 years ago) P Honduras 1974
HN1988A_ARRYR Year of arrival to Honduras P Honduras 1988
HN1988A_MUN5YR Municipality of residence 5 years ago P Honduras 1988
Variable Label
Type Sample
HN1988A_DEPT5YR Department of residence 5 years ago P Honduras 1988
HN1988A_CNTRY5YR Country of residence 5 years ago P Honduras 1988
HN2001A_MIGYR Year of arrival to Honduras P Honduras 2001
HN2001A_MUNI5YR Municipality of residence in 1996 (5 years ago) P Honduras 2001
HN2001A_DEPT5YR Department of residence in 1996 (5 years ago) P Honduras 2001
HN2001A_CNTRY5YR Country of residence in 1996 (5 years ago) P Honduras 2001
HU1990A_LOCTYRES Type of locality of actual residence P Hungary 1990
HU2011A_RESREG Region of residence P Hungary 2011
HU2011A_RESDUR Living in the same place since birth P Hungary 2011
HU2011A_YRIMMIG Year of move to current (usual) place of residence P Hungary 2011
HU2011A_MONIMMIG Month of move to current, usual place of residence P Hungary 2011
ID1971A_MIGSTAT Ever lived in other province P Indonesia 1971
ID1971A_PREVPROV Province of previous residence P Indonesia 1971
ID1971A_DURPROV Duration of residence in current province P Indonesia 1971
ID1976A_MIG5YR Resident in current district 5 years ago P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_PLACE5YR Place of residence 5 years ago P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_RES5YR District/municipality living in 5 years ago P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_MIGREAS Reason for move P Indonesia 1976
ID1980A_DURPROV Duration of residence in present province P Indonesia 1980
ID1980A_PREVPROV Province of previous residence P Indonesia 1980
Variable Label
Type Sample
ID1980A_PROV5YR Province of residence 5 years ago P Indonesia 1980
ID1985A_MIGPROV Ever lived in another regency/municipality P Indonesia 1985
ID1985A_DURPROV Length of time lived in current regency/municipality P Indonesia 1985
ID1985A_PREVPROV Province of previous residence P Indonesia 1985
ID1985A_PREVMUNI Regency/municipality of previous residence P Indonesia 1985
ID1985A_MIGREAS Reason for moving P Indonesia 1985
ID1985A_PROV5YR Province lived in October 1980 P Indonesia 1985
ID1985A_MUNI5YR Regency/municipality lived in October 1980 P Indonesia 1985
ID1990A_MIGPROV Ever lived in another province P Indonesia 1990
ID1990A_PREVPROV Province of previous residence P Indonesia 1990
ID1990A_DURPROV Duration of residence in current province P Indonesia 1990
ID1990A_PROV5YR Province of residence 5 years ago P Indonesia 1990
ID1990A_PREVISLE Island of previous residence P Indonesia 1990
ID1990A_ISLE5YR Island of residence 5 years ago P Indonesia 1990
ID1995A_MIGREG Ever lived in other regency P Indonesia 1995
ID1995A_PREVPROV Province of previous residence P Indonesia 1995
ID1995A_PREVREG Regency/municipality of previous residence P Indonesia 1995
ID1995A_DURRESID Duration of residence in current village (yrs) P Indonesia 1995
ID1995A_PROV5YR Province of residence 5 years ago P Indonesia 1995
ID1995A_REG5YR Regency/municipality of residence 5 years ago P Indonesia 1995