Zambia 2000 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
ZM2000A_DWNUM | Dwelling number | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_HHNUM | Household number (within dwelling) | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_PERNUM | Person number (within household) | P | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_HHN | Number of households in dwelling | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_PERND | Number of persons in dwelling | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_PERN | Number of persons in household | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_FBIG | Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_CONST | Constituency | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_URBAN | Urban-rural | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_HHNUMBR | Household number | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_INST | Type of institution | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_INTERVW | Interview status | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_HHTYPE | Type of housing | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_ROOF | Main roof material | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_WALLS | Main wall material | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_FLOOR | Main floor material | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_SHARED | Occupancy | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_NUMBHH | Number of households | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_ROOMS | Number of living rooms | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_BEDROOMS | Number of bedrooms | H | Zambia 2000 | |
Zambia 2000 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
ZM2000A_KITCHEN | Housing unit has kitchen | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_WATSRC | Main source of water | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_LIGHT | Main source of energy for lighting | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_FUELCK | Main source of energy for cooking | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_FUELHT | Main source of energy for heating | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_REFUSE | Refuse disposal method | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_ELECTRIC | Electricity | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_RADIO | Radio | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_TV | Television | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_FRIDGE | Refrigerator | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_PHONE | Telephone | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_BICYCLE | Bicycle | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_AUTO | Motor vehicle | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_MOTORCYC | Motorcycle | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_PLOUGH | Plough | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_CANOE | Boat or canoe | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_SCOTCHCT | Scotch cart | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_DONKEY | Donkey | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_TOILET | Toilet facilities | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_TOILETC | Toilet location | H | Zambia 2000 | |
Zambia 2000 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
ZM2000A_TOILETEX | Toilet exclusively used by members | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_TENURE | Housing unit owned by household member | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_OWNER | Method of acquiring housing | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_PROVIDED | Housing provided free | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_RENTED | Housing unit rented from the employer | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_EMPLYR | Type of employer renting or providing housing | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_TENTTYPE | Type of landlord | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_STRATA | Strata | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_PRESENT | Residence status | P | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_RELATE | Relationship to head | P | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_SEX | Sex | P | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_AGE | Age | P | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_BPL | District or country of birth | P | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_BPLURBAN | Urban or rural birthplace | P | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_NATION | Citizenship | P | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_STAYPURP | Purpose of stay in Zambia | P | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_RELIG | Religion | P | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_DURYEARS | Duration of residence in years | P | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_PREVRES | District or country of residence 1 year ago | P | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_PREVURB | Type of area of previous residence | P | Zambia 2000 |