South Africa 2016 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
ZA2016A_FUELHT | Main source of energy for space heating | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_ENERGEL | Use of electricity as energy sources | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_ENERGPF | Use of paraffin as energy sources | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_ENERGGS | Use of gas as energy sources | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_ENERGCA | Use of candles as energy sources | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_ENERGCO | Use of coal as energy sources | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_ENERGFW | Use of firewood as energy sources | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_ENERGSO | Use of solar system as energy sources | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_ENERGCR | Use of car batteries as energy sources | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_ENERGBT | Use of other batteries as energy sources | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_ENERGGE | Use of generator as energy sources | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_ENERGOT | Use of other energy sources | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_REFRIG | Refrigerator or freezer | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_STOVE | Electric or gas stove | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_VACUUM | Vacuum cleaner or floor polisher | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_WASHER | Washing machine | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_TABLET | Tablet or phablet | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_COMPUTR | Personal computer or desktop or laptop | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_SATELL | Satellite decoder | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_AUTO | Motor vehicle | H | South Africa 2016 | |
South Africa 2016 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
ZA2016A_TV | Television | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_RADIO | Radio | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_DVD | DVD Player or Blu-ray player | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_HOMTHTR | Home theatre system | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_PHONE | Landline | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_CELL | Cell phone | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_MICROW | Microwave oven | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_GEYSER | Geyser providing hot water | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_AIRCON | Air conditioner | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_INTERNET | Internet services | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_INTHOM | Internet connection in the dwelling | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_INTLIB | Internet connection from a library, community hall, or Thusong centre | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_INTSCH | Internet at a school, university, or college | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_INTWRK | Internet connection at a place of work | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_INTCF1 | Internet cafe 2km or less from the dwelling | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_INTCF2 | Internet cafe more than 2km from the dwelling | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_INTCEL | Internet at any place via a cell phone | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_INTMOB | Internet at any place via other mobile access service | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_INTOTH | Other type of internet services | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_SAFEDAY | Safety during the day | H | South Africa 2016 | |
South Africa 2016 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
ZA2016A_SAFEDRK | Safety when it is dark | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_CRIME | Victim of crime in the past 12 months | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_CRIMEMUR | Experienced murder in the past 12 months | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_CRIMEHROB | Experienced a home robbery in the past 12 months | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_CRIMEHBRK | Experienced a house breaking in the past 12 months | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_CRIMEROB | Experienced a robbery in the past 12 months | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_CRIMETHAN | Experienced theft of livestock, poultry and other animals in the past 12 months | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_CRIMETHMO | Experienced theft of a motor vehicle or motorcycle in the past 12 months | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_CRIMEOTH | Experienced other crime in the past 12 months | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_AGRIC | Household involved in agriculture | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_AGRLIVST | Livestock production | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_AGRPOULT | Poultry production | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_AGRGRAIN | Grains and food crops production | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_AGRINDCR | Industrial crops production | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_AGFRUIT | Fruit production | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_AGVEGET | Vegetable production | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_AGOTHER | Other type of agricultural production | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_IRRIGATE | Type of farm used in crop production | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_LIVESTCK | Owned livestock or poultry | H | South Africa 2016 | |
ZA2016A_CATTLE | Number of cattle | H | South Africa 2016 |