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Uruguay 1996   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
UY1996A_LIT Literacy P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_EDUCLVL Highest educational level ever attended P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_SCHOOL School attendance P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_EDYEAR Last year completed/passed within education level P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_MAJOR1 Field of studies [1-digit] P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_MAJOR3 Field of studies [3-digit] P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_EDTECH Technical education P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_EDTECHLV Attendance status at technical school P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_EDTECHYRS Years completed in technical school P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_TECH5 Field of technical or vocational studies (5-digit) P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_MARST Marital status P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_WORKS Worked for at least an hour P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_VOLUNT Worked without pay P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_ABSWORK Absent from work P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_LOOKWK Looked for work P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_EVERWK Ever worked P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_OCC1 Occupation (ISCO 88, 1 digit) P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_OCC2 Occupation (ISCO 88, 2 digits) P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_OCC Occupation (ISCO 88, 3 digits) P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_IND2 Industry (ISIC 3, 2 digits) P Uruguay 1996
Uruguay 1996   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
UY1996A_IND Industry (ISIC 3, 3 digits) P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_CLASSWK Employment type P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_CHBORN Children born alive P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_CHALIVE Children currently alive P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_CHLASTYR Births in the past 12 months P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_YRSTUDY Number of years of schooling P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_EDATTAIN Educational level and year completed P Uruguay 1996