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United States 2005   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
US2005A_MIGCITY1 City of residence 1 year ago P United States 2005
US2005A_TRIBE Tribe P United States 2005
US2005A_PERWT Person weight P United States 2005
US2005A_OCC Occupation P United States 2005
US2005A_IND Industry P United States 2005
US2005A_WKSWORK1 Weeks worked last year P United States 2005
US2005A_UHRSWORK Usual hours worked per week P United States 2005
US2005A_YRSUSA1 Years in the United States P United States 2005
US2005A_INCTOT Total personal income P United States 2005
US2005A_INCWAGE Wage and salary income P United States 2005
US2005A_POVERTY Poverty status P United States 2005
US2005A_INCSS Social Security income P United States 2005
US2005A_INCWELFR Welfare (public assistance) income P United States 2005
US2005A_INCINVST Interest, dividend, and rental income P United States 2005
US2005A_INCEARN Total personal earned income P United States 2005
US2005A_INCOTHER Other income P United States 2005
US2005A_TRANTIME Travel time to work P United States 2005
US2005A_INCSUPP Supplementary Security Income P United States 2005
US2005A_POV2000 Poverty status, 2000 criteria P United States 2005
US2005A_INCBUS00 Business and farm income, 2000 P United States 2005
United States 2005   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
US2005A_PWPUMA00 Place of work: PUMA, 2000 and 2005 P United States 2005
US2005A_INCRETIR Retirement income P United States 2005
US2005A_MIGPUMA1 PUMA of residence 1 year ago P United States 2005