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United States 2000    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
US2000A_DEPARTS Time of departure for work P United States 2000
US2000A_PWMETRO Place of work metropolitan area P United States 2000
US2000A_PWCITY Place of work city P United States 2000
US2000A_QAGE Flag for age P United States 2000
US2000A_QANCEST1 Flag for ancestry, first response P United States 2000
US2000A_QDEPARTS Flag for time of departure for work P United States 2000
US2000A_QBPL Flag for birthplace P United States 2000
US2000A_QCARPOOL Flag for carpooling P United States 2000
US2000A_QCITIZEN Flag for citizenship status P United States 2000
US2000A_QCLASSWK Flag for class of worker P United States 2000
US2000A_QLANGUAG Flag for language spoken P United States 2000
US2000A_QEMPSTAT Flag for employment and labor force status P United States 2000
US2000A_QEDUC Flag for educational attainment P United States 2000
US2000A_QINCTOT Flag for total income P United States 2000
US2000A_QINCBUS Flag for business and farm, total, and total earned income P United States 2000
US2000A_QINCINVS Flag for interest, dividend and rental, and total income P United States 2000
US2000A_QINCOTHE Flag for other and total income P United States 2000
US2000A_QINCSS Flag for Social Security and total income P United States 2000
US2000A_QINCWAGE Flag for wage and salary, total, and total earned income P United States 2000
US2000A_QINCWELF Flag for welfare (public assistance) and total income P United States 2000
United States 2000   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
US2000A_QIND Flag for industry P United States 2000
US2000A_QDISABMO Flag for disability limiting mobility P United States 2000
US2000A_QPERSCAR Flag for personal care limitation P United States 2000
US2000A_QPWSTAT2 Flag for place of work: state, 1980 to 2000 P United States 2000
US2000A_QMARST Flag for marital status P United States 2000
US2000A_QINCRETI Flag for retirement and total income P United States 2000
US2000A_QMIGPLC5 Flag for place of residence 5 years ago P United States 2000
US2000A_QMIGRAT5 Flag for migration status, 5 years P United States 2000
US2000A_QVETYRS Flag for years of active-duty military service P United States 2000
US2000A_QMOVEDIN Flag for year occupant moved into residence P United States 2000
US2000A_QOCC Flag for occupation P United States 2000
US2000A_UU46 Unused variable P United States 2000
US2000A_QRACE Flag for race P United States 2000
US2000A_QRELATE Flag for relationship to household head/householder P United States 2000
US2000A_QRIDERS Flag for vehicle occupancy P United States 2000
US2000A_QSCHLTYP Flag for public or private school P United States 2000
US2000A_QSCHOOL Flag for school attendance and type P United States 2000
US2000A_QSEX Flag for sex P United States 2000
US2000A_QSPEAKEN Flag for speaks English P United States 2000
US2000A_QTRANTIM Flag for travel time to work P United States 2000
United States 2000   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
US2000A_QTRANWOR Flag for means of transportation to work P United States 2000
US2000A_QUHRSWOR Flag for usual hours worked per week P United States 2000
US2000A_QVETPER Flag for various periods of military service P United States 2000
US2000A_QVETSTAT Flag for various periods of military service P United States 2000
US2000A_QWKSWORK Flag for week worked last year and intervalled P United States 2000
US2000A_QWORKEDY Flag for worked last year P United States 2000
US2000A_QYRIMMIG Flag for year of immigration, years in the United States P United States 2000
US2000A_GCHOUSE Own grandchildren under age 18 living in household P United States 2000
US2000A_RACDET00 Race, detailed recode, 2000 P United States 2000
US2000A_RACAMIND Race, American Indian and Alaska Native recode P United States 2000
US2000A_RACASIAN Race, Asian recode P United States 2000
US2000A_RACBLK Race, black or African American recode P United States 2000
US2000A_RACPACIS Race, Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander recode P United States 2000
US2000A_RACNUM Number of major race groups P United States 2000
US2000A_RACOTHER Race, other race recode P United States 2000
US2000A_RACWHT Race, white recode P United States 2000
US2000A_GRADEATT Grade level attending P United States 2000
US2000A_INDNAICS Industry, NAICS P United States 2000
US2000A_OCCSOC Occupation, SOC P United States 2000
US2000A_WRKRECAL Informed of work recall P United States 2000