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United States 1990    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
US1990A_NCOUPLES Number of married couples in household H United States 1990
US1990A_NMOTHERS Number of mothers in household H United States 1990
US1990A_NFATHERS Number of fathers in household H United States 1990
US1990A_QACREPR1 Flag for acreage of property H United States 1990
US1990A_QCONDOFE Flag for monthly condominium fee H United States 1990
US1990A_QACREPR2 Flag for acreage of property H United States 1990
US1990A_QMOBLHOM Flag for annual mobile home costs H United States 1990
US1990A_QMORTAM1 Flag for first mortgage monthly payment H United States 1990
US1990A_QINSINCL Flag for mortgage payment includes property insurance H United States 1990
US1990A_QMORTAM2 Flag for second mortgage monthly payment H United States 1990
US1990A_QBEDROOM Flag for number of bedrooms H United States 1990
US1990A_QBUILTYR Flag for age of structure H United States 1990
US1990A_QCOMMUSE Flag for commercial use H United States 1990
US1990A_QCONDO Flag for condominium status H United States 1990
US1990A_QMORTGA2 Flag for second mortgage status H United States 1990
US1990A_QCOSTELE Flag for annual electricity cost H United States 1990
US1990A_QMORTGAG Flag for data Quality for qmortgag (Mortgage status) H United States 1990
US1990A_QCOSTFUE Flag for annual home heating fuel cost H United States 1990
US1990A_QCOSTGAS Flag for annual gas cost H United States 1990
US1990A_QPROPINS Flag for annual property insurance cost H United States 1990
United States 1990   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
US1990A_QCOSTWAT Flag for annual water cost H United States 1990
US1990A_QPROPTX90 Flag for annual real estate taxes, 1990 H United States 1990
US1990A_QFARMPRO Flag for sales of farm products and farm status H United States 1990
US1990A_QVACDUR Flag for duration of vacancy H United States 1990
US1990A_QRENTMEA Flag for meals included in rent H United States 1990
US1990A_QFUELHEA Flag for home heating fuel H United States 1990
US1990A_QVEHICLE Flag for vehicles available H United States 1990
US1990A_QPLUMBIN Flag for plumbing facilities H United States 1990
US1990A_QKITCHEN Flag for kitchen or cooking facilities H United States 1990
US1990A_QOWNERSH Flag for ownership of dwelling H United States 1990
US1990A_QPHONE Flag for telephone availability H United States 1990
US1990A_QTAXINCL Flag for mortgage payment includes real estate taxes H United States 1990
US1990A_QROOMS Flag for number of rooms H United States 1990
US1990A_QSEWAGE Flag for sewage disposal H United States 1990
US1990A_QVACBOAR Flag for boarded-up status H United States 1990
US1990A_QWATERSR Flag for source of water H United States 1990
US1990A_QUNITSST Flag for units in structure H United States 1990
US1990A_QVACANCY Flag for vacancy status H United States 1990
US1990A_QVALUEH Flag for house value H United States 1990
US1990A_PERNUM Person number in sample unit P United States 1990
United States 1990   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
US1990A_PERWT Person weight P United States 1990
US1990A_MOMLOC Mother's location in the household P United States 1990
US1990A_STEPMOM Probable step/adopted mother P United States 1990
US1990A_MOMRULE Rule for linking mother P United States 1990
US1990A_POPLOC Father's location in the household P United States 1990
US1990A_STEPPOP Probable step/adopted father P United States 1990
US1990A_POPRULE Rule for linking father P United States 1990
US1990A_SPLOC Spouse's location in household P United States 1990
US1990A_SPRULE Rule for linking spouse P United States 1990
US1990A_FAMSIZE Number of own family members in household P United States 1990
US1990A_NCHILD Number of own children in household P United States 1990
US1990A_NCHLT5 Number of own children under age 5 in household P United States 1990
US1990A_FAMUNIT Family unit membership P United States 1990
US1990A_ELDCH Age of eldest own child in household P United States 1990
US1990A_YNGCH Age of youngest own child in household P United States 1990
US1990A_NSIBS Number of own siblings in household P United States 1990
US1990A_RELATE Relationship to household head P United States 1990
US1990A_AGE Age P United States 1990
US1990A_SEX Sex P United States 1990
US1990A_RACE Race P United States 1990