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United States 1960    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
US1960A_POPLOC Fathers location in the household P United States 1960
US1960A_STEPPOP Probable step/adopted father P United States 1960
US1960A_POPRULE Rule for linking father P United States 1960
US1960A_SPLOC Spouses location in the household P United States 1960
US1960A_SPRULE Rule for linking spouse P United States 1960
US1960A_FAMSIZE Number of own family members in household P United States 1960
US1960A_NCHILD Number of own children in household P United States 1960
US1960A_NCHLT5 Number of own children under age 5 in household P United States 1960
US1960A_FAMUNIT Family unit membership P United States 1960
US1960A_ELDCH Age of eldest own child in household P United States 1960
US1960A_YNGCH Age of youngest own child in household P United States 1960
US1960A_NSIBS Number of own siblings in household P United States 1960
US1960A_RELATE Relationship to household head/householder P United States 1960
US1960A_AGE Age P United States 1960
US1960A_SEX Sex P United States 1960
US1960A_RACE Race P United States 1960
US1960A_MARST Marital status P United States 1960
US1960A_AGEMARR Age at first marriage P United States 1960
US1960A_MARRNO Times married P United States 1960
US1960A_CHBORN Children ever born P United States 1960
United States 1960   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
US1960A_MARRQTR Quarter of first marriage P United States 1960
US1960A_BPL Birthplace P United States 1960
US1960A_MBPL Mother's birthplace P United States 1960
US1960A_FBPL Father's birthplace P United States 1960
US1960A_NATIVITY Nativity recode P United States 1960
US1960A_MTONGUE Mother tongue P United States 1960
US1960A_SPANNAME Spanish surname P United States 1960
US1960A_SCHOOL School attendence P United States 1960
US1960A_HIGRADE Highest grade of schooling P United States 1960
US1960A_EDUCREC Educational attainment recode P United States 1960
US1960A_SCHLTYPE Public or private school P United States 1960
US1960A_EMPSTAT Employment status P United States 1960
US1960A_LABFORCE Labor force status P United States 1960
US1960A_OCC1950 Occupation, 1950 basis P United States 1960
US1960A_OCC Occupation P United States 1960
US1960A_OCCSCORE Occupational income score P United States 1960
US1960A_SEI Duncan Socioeconomic Index P United States 1960
US1960A_IND1950 Industry, 1950 basis P United States 1960
US1960A_IND Industry P United States 1960
US1960A_CLASSWKR Class of worker P United States 1960
United States 1960   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
US1960A_WKSWORK2 Weeks worked last year, intervalled P United States 1960
US1960A_HRSWORK2 Hours worked last week, intervalled P United States 1960
US1960A_YRLASTWK Year last worked P United States 1960
US1960A_WORKEDYR Worked last year P United States 1960
US1960A_INCTOT Total personal income P United States 1960
US1960A_INCWAGE Wage and salary income P United States 1960
US1960A_POVERTY Poverty status (family income as a % of poverty threshold) P United States 1960
US1960A_INCBUSFM Business and farm income P United States 1960
US1960A_INCOTHER Other income P United States 1960
US1960A_MIGRATE5 Migration status, 5 years P United States 1960
US1960A_MIGTYPE5 Metropolitan status 5 years ago P United States 1960
US1960A_MOVEDIN Year occupant moved into residence P United States 1960
US1960A_PWTYPE Place of work metropolitan status P United States 1960
US1960A_PWSTATE1 Place of work state, 1960 and 1970 P United States 1960
US1960A_VETSTAT Veteran status P United States 1960
US1960A_VETWWI Veteran, served during World War I era (April 1917 to November 1918) P United States 1960
US1960A_VETKOREA Veteran, served during Korean conflict era (June 1950 to January 1955 ) P United States 1960
US1960A_VETWWII Veteran, served during World War II era (September 1940 to July 1947 ) P United States 1960
US1960A_VETOTHER Veteran of other period P United States 1960
US1960A_TRANWORK Means of transportation to work P United States 1960