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Thailand 1980   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
TH1980A_LIT Literacy P Thailand 1980
TH1980A_DURRES Length of residence P Thailand 1980
TH1980A_PREVPROV Previous province or country of residence P Thailand 1980
TH1980A_PREVURB Place of previous residence: rural/urban P Thailand 1980
TH1980A_MIGRSN Reason for moving P Thailand 1980
TH1980A_MARAGE Age at first marriage P Thailand 1980
TH1980A_CHHOME Number of children ever born living at home P Thailand 1980
TH1980A_CHAWAY Number of children ever born living elsewhere P Thailand 1980
TH1980A_CHDEAD Number of children ever born that died P Thailand 1980
TH1980A_FAMPL Family planning P Thailand 1980
TH1980A_FAMPLTP Type of family planning P Thailand 1980
TH1980A_OCCWK Principal occupation last week P Thailand 1980
TH1980A_WRKREASN Reason for not working P Thailand 1980
TH1980A_AGE Age recoded P Thailand 1980
TH1980A_CHBORN Children ever born P Thailand 1980
TH1980A_CHSURV Children still living P Thailand 1980
TH1980A_DURMAR Duration of marriage P Thailand 1980
TH1980A_PERWT Person weight P Thailand 1980