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Suriname 2012   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
SR2012A_AGE Age P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_RELATE Relationship to household head P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_RELIG Religion P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_ETHNIC Ethnicity P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_NATION Nationality P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_DISSIGHT Difficulty seeing P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_DISHEAR Difficulty hearing P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_DISMOBIL Difficulty walking P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_DISMNTL Difficulty remembering P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_DISCARE Difficulty with personal care P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_DISLIFT Difficulty lifting, reaching, or carrying P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_DISCOMM Difficulty communicating P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_DISCSSIGHT Cause of seeing disability P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_DISCSHEAR Cause of hearing disability P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_DISCSMOBIL Cause of walking disability P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_DISCSMNTL Cause of remembering disability P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_DISCSCARE Cause of personal care disability P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_DISCSLIFT Cause of lifting, reaching, or carrying disability P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_DISCSCOMM Cause of communicating disability P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_ILLKIDNEY Kidney disease P Suriname 2012
Suriname 2012   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
SR2012A_ILLDIABETES Diabetes P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_ILLHYPER Hypertension P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_ILLCARDIO Cardiovascular disease P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_ILLCANCER Cancer P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_ILLARTHRITIS Arthritis P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_ILLASTHMA Asthma P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_ILLSICKLE Sickle cell disease P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_ILLEPILEPSY Epilepsy P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_ILLMENTAL Mental illness P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_MEDINS Medical insurance P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_SPRTWALK Walking, running, or jogging P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_SPRTFITN Fitness, gymnastics, or weight-lifting P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_SPRTDANCE Ballet or dancing P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_SPRTBALLIN Ball games, individual P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_SPRTBALLTM Ball games, team P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_SPRTSWIM Swimming P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_SPRTCONT Contact or combat sports P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_SPRTOTH Other sports activity P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_SCHOOL School attendance P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_SCHLEV Education level currently attending P Suriname 2012
Suriname 2012   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
SR2012A_EDLEV Highest education level completed P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_EDQUAL Highest qualification P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_MARST Marital status P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_CHBORN Children ever born P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_CHSURV Children still alive P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_BTHLYR Births last 12 months P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_DISTPREV District or country of previous residence P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_DISAB Disability status P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_ACTIVITY Activity status P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_ILLNUM Number of chronic diseases P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_RESDUR Years of current residence P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_SPRTNUM Number of sports activities P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_OCC Occupation (groups) P Suriname 2012
SR2012A_IND Industry (groups) P Suriname 2012