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Sierra Leone 2004   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
SL2004A_GRATER Access to cassava graters H Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_NMORT Number of deaths in last 12 months H Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_STRATA Strata H Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_PERNO Person number P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_RELATE Relationship to the household head P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_AGE Age P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_SEX Sex P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_RELIG Religion P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_ETHNIC Ethnicity/nationality P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_LANGPRIM Primary language P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_LANGSEC Secondary language P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_BPL Chiefdom/country of birth P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_CHIEF90 Chiefdom or country of residence in 1990 P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_MORTMOM Maternal orphanhood P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_MORTPOP Paternal orphanhood P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_DISABLE Disabled P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_DISTYPE Type of disability P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_DISCAUSE Cause of disability P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_DISASST Disability assistance P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_SCHOOL School attendance P Sierra Leone 2004
Sierra Leone 2004   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
SL2004A_EDATTAIN Highest education level attained P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_LIT Literacy P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_MARST Marital status P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_ACTIVITY Economic activity in the last 30 days P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_OCC Occupation P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_IND Industry P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_CHBORNM Number of male children ever born P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_CHBORNF Number of female children ever born P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_CHHOMEM Number of male children in this household P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_CHHOMEF Number of female children in this household P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_CHAWAYM Number of male children elsewhere P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_CHAWAYF Number of female children elsewhere P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_CHDEADM Number of male children dead P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_CHDEADF Number of female children dead P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_LSTBYR Year of last birth (in last 12 months) P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_LSTBMO Month of last birth (in last 12 months) P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_LSTBSEX Sex of the last child born (in last 12 months) P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_LSTBLIVE Status of the last child born (in last 12 months) P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_IMMUN Prescribed immunization status of the last child born (in last 12 months) P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_CHBORN Number of children ever born P Sierra Leone 2004
Sierra Leone 2004   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
SL2004A_CHSURV Number of children still alive P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_BTHLSTYR Gave birth in last year P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_DIST90 District of residence in 1990 P Sierra Leone 2004