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Rwanda 2002   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
RW2002A_CHBORNF Female children ever born alive P Rwanda 2002
RW2002A_CHLIVEM Male children still alive P Rwanda 2002
RW2002A_CHLIVEF Female children still alive P Rwanda 2002
RW2002A_CHB12M Male children born in the past 12 months P Rwanda 2002
RW2002A_CHB12F Female children born in the past 12 months P Rwanda 2002
RW2002A_CHL12M Male children born in the past 12 months still alive P Rwanda 2002
RW2002A_CHL12F Female children born in the past 12 months still alive P Rwanda 2002
RW2002A_VISITOR Residence status (large groups) P Rwanda 2002