Romania 2002 [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
RO2002A_EMPSHH | Number of employees in household | H | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_GENER | Number and type of generations in household | H | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_FAMNUCH | Number of family nuclei in household | H | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_RELATEH | Relationship of household members | H | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_HHTYPE | Type of household | H | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_STRATA | Strata | H | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_PERNUMO | Order number of the person in the household | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_RELATE | Relationship to the household head | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_POPLOC | Person number of the father | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_MOMLOC | Person number of the mother | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_SPLOC | Person number of the spouse/cohabitant | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_ABSENT | Situation at the census moment | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_ABSDUR | Duration of absence | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_ABSWHY | Reason for absence | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_MOVED | Person permanently moved from legal residence | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_PREVRES | County or country of previous residence | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_PREVRES2 | Place of previous residence | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_RESYR | Year of establishing actual legal residence | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_BPL | County or country of birth | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_BPL2 | Place of birth in other locality | P | Romania 2002 | |
Romania 2002 (continued) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
RO2002A_SEX | Sex | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_BIRTHYR | Year of birth | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_BIRTHMO | Month of birth | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_MARST | Marital status | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_MARSTDEF | De facto marital status, living in consensual union | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_MARRYR | Year of first marriage | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_CHBORN | Number of children born alive | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_CITIZ | Citizenship | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_CITIZ2 | Second citizenship | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_ETHNIC | Ethnicity | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_LANG | Mother tongue | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_RELIG | Religion | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_EDATTAIN | Highest level of schooling completed | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_SCHTYPE1 | Type of ownership of the highest graduated school | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_EDATTEND | Name and type of educational institution attended | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_SCHTYPE2 | Type of ownership of the educational institution attended | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_EMPSTAT | Employment status in week of census | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_HRSWORK | Number of hours worked on current activity during the reference period (March 11-17, 2002) | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_OCC1 | Occupation, 1 digit | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_OCC2 | Occupation, 2 digits | P | Romania 2002 | |
Romania 2002 (continued) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
RO2002A_OCC3 | Occupation, 3 digits | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_OCC4 | Occupation, 4 digits | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_CLASSWK | Class of worker | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_IND | Industry | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_WKLOC | Location of the working place | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_WKOWN | Ownership structure of working place | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_DURUNEMP | Duration of unemployment | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_BENUNEMP | Benefits related to being unemployed | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_EMPYEAR | Employment status most of preceding year | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_EMPSTATU | Usual employment status in preceding year | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_CLASSWKU | Usual class of worker during preceding year | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_TENURE | Tenure status of the households in dwellings | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_RENT | Monthly rent | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_AGE | Age | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_RELATEF | Relationship with the nucleus head | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_FAMNUM | Number of the family nucleus | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_FAMTYPE | Type of the family nucleus | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_RESLEGC | County of legal residence | P | Romania 2002 | |
RO2002A_URBANLEG | Urban/rural area of legal residence | P | Romania 2002 |