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Paraguay 2002   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PY2002A_DISAB Disability P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_DISABC Cause of disability P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_DISAB2 Second disability P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_DISAB2C Cause of second disability P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_DISAB3 Third disability P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_DISAB3C Cause of third disability P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_ETHN Ethnicity P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_RES Current residence P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_RESDEPT Department or country of current residence P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_RESDIST District of current residence P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_RES2 Urban-rural current residence P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_BPL Place of birth P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_BPLDEPT Department or country of birth P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_BPLDIST District of birth P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_BPL2 Urban-rural place of birth P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_YRIMMIG Year of arrival to country P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_RES5YR Place of residence 5 years ago P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_RES5DEPT Department or country of residence 5 years ago P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_RES5YR2 Place of residence 5 years ago P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_SCHLPAST Ever attended school P Paraguay 2002
Paraguay 2002   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PY2002A_SCHOOL Currently attending school P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_EDLEV Highest grade or level attained P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_EDUCDEG Attended higher education after year 6 or 7 of secondary school P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_EDCOMP Completed higher education P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_LANG Spoken language P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_LANG2 Second language P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_LANG3 Third language P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_LANG4 Fourth language P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_LANG5 Fifth language P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_RELIG Religion P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_MARST Marital status P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_EMPSTAT Worked during the last week P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_WK Have a job but did not work last week P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_WKHELP Helped with others' job last week P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_LOOKWK Looked for work during last 4 weeks P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_WKPAST Have worked before P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_WHYNOTWK Reason for not working last week P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_OCC Occupation (4 digits) P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_IND Industry (4 digits) P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Paraguay 2002
Paraguay 2002   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PY2002A_WKSECTOR Work sector P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_CONTRACT Contract P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_NWKRS Number of workers P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_CHBIRTH Any births P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_CHBORN Number of live births P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_CHSURV Children surviving P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_CHDEAD Children dead P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_LSTBMON Month of last birth P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_LSTBYR Year of last birth P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_WTPER Person weight P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_AGECAT Age group P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_OCCGROUP Occupation (1 digit) P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_INDGROUP Industry (2 digits) P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_RES5DEPTFORMIG Department or country of residence 5 years ago for migration P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_RES5DISTFORMIG District of residence 5 years ago for migration P Paraguay 2002