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Paraguay 1992   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PY1992A_RESDEPT Department or country of current residence P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_RESDIST District of current residence P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_RESTYPE Place of current residence P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_RESSTAT5 Place of residence 5 years ago P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_RESDEPT5 Department or country of residence 5 years ago P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_RESDIST5 District of residence 5 years ago P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_RESTYPE5 City or countryside 5 years ago P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_EDATTAN Educational attainment P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_SCHOOL Currently attending school P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_RELIG Religion P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_MARST Marital status P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_EMPSTAT Employment status last week P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_IND1 Industry, 1 digit P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_IND2 Industry, 2 digits P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_IND3 Industry, 3 digits P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_ANYBIRTH Any live births P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_CHBORN Children ever born P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_CHDEAD Number of children dead P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_LSTBMTH Month of last live birth P Paraguay 1992
Paraguay 1992   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PY1992A_LSTBYR Year of last live birth P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_OCC2 Main occupation, 3 digits P Paraguay 1992
PY1992A_RESDEPT5FORMIG Department or country of residence 5 years ago for migration P Paraguay 1992