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Puerto Rico 2020    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PR2020A_RACPACIS Race, Pacific Islander P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_RACNUM Number of major race groups P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_RACOTHER Race, some other race P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_RACWHT Race, white P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_INDNAICS Industry last week (NAICS classification) P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_OCCSOC Occupation, SOC classification P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_WRKLSTWK Worked last week P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_WRKRECAL Informed of work recall P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_INCSUPP Supplementary security income (in US$) P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_DIFFSENS Vision or hearing difficulty P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_DIFFPHYS Ambulatory difficulty P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_DIFFREM Cognitive difficulty P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_GCMONTHS Months responsible for grandchildren P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_GCRESPON Responsible for grandchildren P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QDIFSENS Flag for Diffsens P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QINCSUPP Flag for Incsupp P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QDIFPHYS Flag for Diffphys P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QDIFREM Flag for Diffrem P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QFERTYR Flag for Fertyr P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QGCHOUSE Flag for Gchouse P Puerto Rico 2020
Puerto Rico 2020   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PR2020A_QGCMONTH Flag for Gcmonths P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QGCRESPO Flag for Gcrespon P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QGRADEAT Flag for Gradeatt P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_INCBUS00 Business and farm income (in US$), 2000 P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_PWPUMA00 PUMA of work location (2000 onward) P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_INCRETIR Retirement income (in US$) P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_VET01LTR Veteran, served 2001 or later P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_VET90X01 Veteran, served 1990-2001 P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_VET47X50 Veteran, served 1947-1950 P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_MOMLOC2 Second mother's location in the household P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_POPLOC2 Second father's location in the household P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_IND1990 Industry last week, 1990 basis P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QHISPAN Flag for Hispan P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QYRSPR Flag for Years in Puerto Rico P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_OCC1990 Occupation last week, 1990 basis P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_MIGPUMA1 PUMA of residence 1 year ago P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_ARRIVES Time of arrival at work P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_TRIBE Tribe P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_SUBFAM Subfamily membership P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_SFTYPE Subfamily type P Puerto Rico 2020
Puerto Rico 2020   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PR2020A_SFRELATE Relationship within subfamily P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_FTOTINC Total family income P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QFTOTINC Data quality flag for ftotinc P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_DIFFEYE Vision difficulty P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_DIFFHEAR Hearing difficulty P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_DIVINYR Divorced in the past year P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_HCOVANY Any health insurance coverage P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_HCOVPRIV Private health insurance coverage P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_HINSEMP Health insurance through employer/union P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_HINSPUR Health insurance purchased directly P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_HINSTRI Health insurance through TRICARE P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_HCOVPUB Public health insurance coverage P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_HINSCAID Health insurance through Medicaid P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_HINSCARE Health insurance through Medicare P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_HINSVA Health insurance through VA P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_HINSIHS Health insurance through Indian Health Services P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_VETDISAB VA service-connected disability rating P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_WIDINYR Widowed in the past year P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_YRMARR Year married P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QDIFEYE Data quality flag for diffeye P Puerto Rico 2020