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Puerto Rico 2020    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PR2020A_QVACANCY Flag for vacancy H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QVALUEH Flag for valueh H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QCONDOFE Flag for condofee H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QTAXINCL Flag for taxincl H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_FOODSTMP Food stamp recipiency H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QFOODSTM Flag for foodstmp and fdstpamt H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QMORTG2A Flag for mortgag2, home equity loan status H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_BUILTYR2 Age of structure, decade H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QBUILTY2 Flag for builtyr2 H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_PRCOUNTY Puerto Rico county code H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_HHTYPE Household type H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QVEHICLE Data quality flag for vehicle H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_OWNCOST Selected monthly owner costs H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_NSUBFAM Number of subfamilies in household H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_HHINCOME Total household income (in US$) H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_FRIDGE Refrigerator H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_SINK Sink with faucet H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QSINK Data quality flag for sink H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_STOVE Stove or range H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QSTOVE Data quality flag for stove H Puerto Rico 2020
Puerto Rico 2020   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PR2020A_VALUEH House value (in US$) H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_MULTGEN Multigenerational household H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_BEDROOMS Number of bedrooms H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_MULTYEAR Actual year of survey, multi-year ACS/PRCS H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_ADJUST Adjustment factor, ACS/PRCS H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_CPI99 CPI-U adjustment factor to 1999 dollars H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_RESPMODE Response mode H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QFRIDGEORIG Data quality flag for fridge (original version) H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_CBNSUBFAM Number of subfamilies in household (original Census Bureau classification) H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_HHWT Household weight H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_RENT Monthly contract rent (in US$) H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QFARMPRO Flag for Farmprod, Farm H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QHHINCOME Flag for hhincome H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QOWNCOST Flag for owncost H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_MOBLHOME Annual mobile home costs (in US$) H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_MORTAMT2 Second mortgage monthly payment (in US$) H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_CITYERR Coverage error in city variable H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_MET2013 Metropolitan area (2013 OMB delineations) H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_MET2013ERR Coverage error in MET2013 variable H Puerto Rico 2020
Puerto Rico 2020   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PR2020A_CIDIAL Dial-up service H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_CILAPTOP Laptop, desktop, or notebook computer H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_CINETHH Access to internet H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_CIOTHCOMP Other computer equipment H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_CIOTHSVC Other internet service H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_CISAT Satellite internet service H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QCIDIAL Flag for cidial H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QCILAPTOP Flag for cilaptop H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QCINETHH Flag for cinethh H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QCIOTHCOMP Flag for ciothcomp H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QCIOTHSVC Flag for ciothsvc H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QCISAT Flag for cisat H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_QRWATPR Flag for rwatpr H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_RWATPR Running water H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_SSMC Same-sex married couple H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_CPUMA0010 Consistent PUMA, 2000-2010 H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_CBSERIAL Original Census Bureau household serial number H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_CISMRTPHN Smartphone H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_CITABLET Tablet or other portable wireless computer H Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_CIDATAPLN Cellular data plan for a smartphone or other mobile device H Puerto Rico 2020