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Poland 2002    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PL2002A_NMAINT Number of persons being maintained in the household H Poland 2002
PL2002A_NDIS Number of disabled persons in the household H Poland 2002
PL2002A_NDISCOMP Number of disabled persons limited completely in basic activities of daily life in the household H Poland 2002
PL2002A_NDISSER Number of disabled persons limited seriously in basic activities of daily life in the household H Poland 2002
PL2002A_NDISNOT Number of disabled persons not limited in basic activities of daily life in the household H Poland 2002
PL2002A_NDISCERT Number of persons possessing a certificate of disability in the household H Poland 2002
PL2002A_NDISBIO Number of persons biologically disabled in the household H Poland 2002
PL2002A_NFAM Number of families in the household H Poland 2002
PL2002A_FAMCOMP Composition of the family of the household H Poland 2002
PL2002A_TENURE Tenure status H Poland 2002
PL2002A_TENOWN Tenure status combined with ownership of the flat H Poland 2002
PL2002A_INCSRCH Main source of maintenance of the household H Poland 2002
PL2002A_INCADDH Additional source of maintenance of the household H Poland 2002
PL2002A_PERNUMO Person number P Poland 2002
PL2002A_UNITSIZE Population of the administrative unit P Poland 2002
PL2002A_COLLTYPEP Type of collective housing P Poland 2002
PL2002A_AGE Age P Poland 2002
PL2002A_AGE5YR Age in 5-years age groups P Poland 2002
PL2002A_BIRTHMO Birth month P Poland 2002
PL2002A_BIRTHYR Birth year P Poland 2002
Poland 2002   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PL2002A_SEX Sex P Poland 2002
PL2002A_MARST Legal marital status P Poland 2002
PL2002A_MARRYR Year of contracting the marriage P Poland 2002
PL2002A_MARST2 De facto marital status P Poland 2002
PL2002A_AGEMARR Age at marriage P Poland 2002
PL2002A_EDLEV Level of education completed P Poland 2002
PL2002A_DISLIM Disability P Poland 2002
PL2002A_DISWRK Valid certificate of disability P Poland 2002
PL2002A_BPL Place of birth P Poland 2002
PL2002A_BPLCNTRY Country of birth P Poland 2002
PL2002A_CITIZEN Citizenship P Poland 2002
PL2002A_CITCNTRY Country of citizenship P Poland 2002
PL2002A_CITCNTRY2 Second country of citizenship P Poland 2002
PL2002A_CITTYPE Type of citizenship P Poland 2002
PL2002A_CITTYPE2 Citizenship and the country of birth P Poland 2002
PL2002A_LANGHOM Language spoken at home P Poland 2002
PL2002A_LANGFOR First foreign language spoken P Poland 2002
PL2002A_LANGFOR2 Second foreign language spoken P Poland 2002
PL2002A_PRESENT Present and absent persons P Poland 2002
PL2002A_CNTRYSTAY Country of staying or previous residence P Poland 2002
Poland 2002   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PL2002A_ABSENT Duration of absence or temporary stay P Poland 2002
PL2002A_YRTSTAY Year of departure or arrival to temporary stay P Poland 2002
PL2002A_RESIDREAS Reason for absence or temporary stay P Poland 2002
PL2002A_RESIDREAS2 Other reasons for absence or temporary stay P Poland 2002
PL2002A_EMIGRANT Time spent abroad P Poland 2002
PL2002A_VOV1YR Voivodship of residence one year ago P Poland 2002
PL2002A_CNTRY1YR Country of residence one year ago P Poland 2002
PL2002A_YRLOC Time living in locality P Poland 2002
PL2002A_YRARR Year of arrival to the locality P Poland 2002
PL2002A_RESPREV Previous place of residence P Poland 2002
PL2002A_VOVPREV Voivodship of previous place of residence P Poland 2002
PL2002A_RURALPREV Type of the locality of previous place of residence P Poland 2002
PL2002A_CNTRYPREV Country of previous residence P Poland 2002
PL2002A_SEEKWRK Seeking employment P Poland 2002
PL2002A_ABLEWRK Ability to start employment P Poland 2002
PL2002A_DURSEEK Duration of seeking employment P Poland 2002
PL2002A_OCC Occupation P Poland 2002
PL2002A_ACTIVITY Economic activity P Poland 2002
PL2002A_IND Industry (main employer) P Poland 2002
PL2002A_IND2 Industry (additional employer) P Poland 2002