Papua New Guinea 2000 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
PG2000A_DWNUM | Dwelling number | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_PERNUM | Person number (within household) | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_PERN | Number of persons in household | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_DWTYPE | Dwelling type | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_RESPON | Response | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_COCOA | Growing cocoa | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_COFFEE | Growing coffee | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_RUBBER | Growing rubber | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_PALMOIL | Growing palm oil | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_COCON | Growing coconut | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_BETEL | Growing bettlenut | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_LIVESTOCK | Raising livestock | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_POULTRY | Raising poultry | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_FOODCRP | Growing food crops | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_FISH | Fishing | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_OTHAGRIC | Type of other agricultural activity | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_MONFOOD | Selling food crops | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_MONFISH | Selling fish | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_MONMEAT | Selling meat | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_MONARTF | Selling artifacts | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
Papua New Guinea 2000 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
PG2000A_MONBETEL | Selling betel nut | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_MONPMV | Running a public motor vehicle | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_MONBOAT | Hiring boats | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_MONSTOR | Running a trade store | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_MONOTH | Type of other income generating activity | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_MONOTH2 | Other income generating activity | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_OWNERSHP | House ownership | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_RENTED | House rented from | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_ROOMS | Number of rooms | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_STRATA | Strata | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_RELATE | Relationship to household head | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_SEX | Sex | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_BIRTHMO | Month of birth | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_BIRTHYR | Year of birth | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_AGE | Age | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_MARST | Marital status | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_RELIG | Religion | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_MOTHLIVE | Mother still alive | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_MOTHNUM | Mother person number | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_BPL | Country or province of birth | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
Papua New Guinea 2000 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
PG2000A_BPLDIST | District or country of birth | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_RESBTH | Duration of residence in district or town | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_RESDUR | Duration of residence in years | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_CITIZEN | Country of citizenship | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_SCHOOL | School attendance | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_EDATTAIN | Highest grade completed | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_CERT | Completion of certificate, diploma, or degree | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_QUAL | Qualification completed | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_LITENG | Literate in English | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_LITPID | Literate in Pidgin | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_LITMOTU | Literate in Motu | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_LITOTH | Literate in other language | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_CLASSWK | Class of work (last 7 days) | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_OCC | Occupation (4-digit) | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_LOOKWORK | Looking for job in the last four weeks | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_ACTIVITY | Economic activity (past 7 days) | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_CHBORNM | Male children ever born | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_CHBORNF | Female children ever born | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_CHHOMEM | Male children living in the household | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PG2000A_CHHOMEF | Female children living in the household | P | Papua New Guinea 2000 |