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Peru 1993   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PE1993A_LIT Literacy P Peru 1993
PE1993A_MOMALIV Mother alive P Peru 1993
PE1993A_LASTBMO Month of birth of last child P Peru 1993
PE1993A_MUTE Muteness P Peru 1993
PE1993A_CHLIVE Total children born alive P Peru 1993
PE1993A_NATION Nativity P Peru 1993
PE1993A_EDLEV Educational level P Peru 1993
PE1993A_YRSCH Last year/grade completed of basic education P Peru 1993
PE1993A_EDATTAN Educational level completed P Peru 1993
PE1993A_OCC Occupation (3 digits) P Peru 1993
PE1993A_BPLC Country of birth P Peru 1993
PE1993A_RESC88 Country of residence in 1988 P Peru 1993
PE1993A_RELATE Relationship to head P Peru 1993
PE1993A_POLIO Polio P Peru 1993
PE1993A_RELIG Religion P Peru 1993
PE1993A_RETARD Mental retardation P Peru 1993
PE1993A_SEX Sex P Peru 1993
PE1993A_EMPSIT Employment situation P Peru 1993
PE1993A_DEAF Total deafness P Peru 1993
PE1993A_BPLPROV Province of birth P Peru 1993
Peru 1993   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PE1993A_LASTLIVE Last child alive P Peru 1993
PE1993A_AGE Age completed, years P Peru 1993
PE1993A_AGEMO Age completed, months P Peru 1993