Panama 2010 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
PA2010A_PLANTS | Does any person in this household have plants, fruit or timber trees, or pasture? | H | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_MEDPLANT | Does any person in this household have medicinal or ornamental plants for commercial purposes? | H | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_CATTLE | Does any person in this household have cattle, pigs, horses, etc.? | H | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_POULTRY | Does any person in this household raise chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, quails or bee hives? | H | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_MIGRANTS | Household member left to live in another country in last decade | H | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_MIG1SEX | Sex of first household member who migrated | H | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_MIG1AGE | Age of first household member at migration | H | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_MIG1YR | Year of migration for the first household member | H | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_MIG1CTRY | Country to which the first household member migrated | H | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_MIG2SEX | Sex of second household member who migrated | H | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_MIG3SEX | Sex of third household member who migrated | H | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_INCHH | Household income in Panamanian balboas | H | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_HHTYPE | Household type | H | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_AREA2 | Area in which the dwelling is located | H | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_STRATA | Strata | H | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_RELATE | Relationship to head | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_RELATE2 | Other relatives of head | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_NUCLEUS | Nuclear family number | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_SEX | Sex | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_AGE | Age in years | P | Panama 2010 | |
Panama 2010 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
PA2010A_SOCSEC | Social security benefits | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_MARST | Marital status | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_DIFFHEAR | Difficulty hearing | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_DIFFSEE | Difficulty seeing | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_DIFFWALK | Difficulty walking | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_DIFFARMS | Difficulty using arms or hands | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_DIFFSPEAK | Difficulty speaking | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_DIFFLEARN | Difficulty learning | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_DISAB | Disability | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_INDIG | Indigenous group | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_BLACK | Black of African-descent group | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_BPL | Country or district of birth | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_ARRPA | Period of arrival in Panama | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_PRVCNTRY | Country or district of previous residence | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_YRARR | Period of arrival to current residence in Panama | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_SCHOOL | Attending school | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_EDATTAN | Highest level of education passed | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_LIT | Able to read and write | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_WORKED | Worked last week | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_ABSWK | Do you have a job from which you were temporarily absent last week? | P | Panama 2010 | |
Panama 2010 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
PA2010A_WKPAY | Did you do any work for which you received any money last week? | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_WKLOOKWK | Looked for work last week | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_WKLOOKMO | Looked for work last month | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_WHYNOT | Reason for not looking for work | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_OCC | Occupation, 3 digits | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_IND | Economic activity, 4 digits | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_CONTRACT | Contract type | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_INCOME | Wage or salary in Panamanian balboas | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_INCBONUS | Income from thirteen month bonus in Panamanian balboas | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_INCIND | Income for independent work of self-employment in Panamanian balboas | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_INCRET | Income from retirement or pension in Panamanian balboas | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_INCACC | Income from pension due to accident, sickness, etc. in Panamanian balboas | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_INCFOODP | Income from food allowance in Panamanian balboas | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_INCASST | Income from cash assistance in Panamanian balboas | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_INCOTHA | Income from other sources of assistance in Panamanian balboas | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_ASSTOTH | Description of other sources of assistance | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_INCRENT | Income from rent, returns on investments, etc. in Panamanian balboas | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_INCSCH | Income from scholarships in Panamanian balboas | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_INCAG | Income from sale of agricultural goods or livestock in Panamanian balboas | P | Panama 2010 | |
PA2010A_INCOTH | Other income in Panamanian balboas | P | Panama 2010 |