Nicaragua 2005 [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
NI2005A_REMITT | Payments received by household from someone abroad in the last 12 months | H | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_ABROAD | Household member currently living in another country | H | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_NABROAD | Number of household members living abroad | H | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_DEATH | Death of household member (since January 1st 2004) | H | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_NDEATH | Number of deaths (since January 1st 2004) | H | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_NRESIDE | Number of usual residents of the household | H | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_NMALE | Number of usual male residents of the household | H | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_NFEMAL | Number of usual female residents of the household | H | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_STRATA | Strata | H | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_RELATE | Relationship to household head | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_SEX | Sex | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_AGE | Age | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_BIRTHMO | Month of birth | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_BIRTHYR | Year of birth | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_MARST | Marital status | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_INDIG | Indigenous group (self-assessment) | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_INDIGGRP | Indigenous or ethnic group | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_INDLANG | Speaks indigenous language | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_BPLSTAT | Lives in municipality of birth | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_YRIMMIG | Year of arrival to Nicaragua | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
Nicaragua 2005 (continued) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
NI2005A_BPLTYPE | Urban status of place of birth | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_MIG5YR | Lived in same municipality as 2000 | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_IMMIG5YR | Year arrived in Nicaragua (living abroad in 2000) | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_PL5YRTYPE | Urban status of place where lived in 2000 | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_RELIG | Religion | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_LIT | Literacy | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_SCHOOL | Currently attends school | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_EDLEVEL | Highest educational level completed | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_EDYEAR | Year or grade passed | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_EDATTAN | Educational attainment | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_UNIVTECH | Completed university or technical studies | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_WORKED | Work status last week | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_ABSENT | Absent from job last week | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_WORK2WK | Looking for work last two weeks | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_NOLOOKWK | Reason for not looking for work | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_NONWORK | Activity performed last week (inactive persons) | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_WORKPAST | Previous job | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_OTHACTIV | Informal work last week | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_WORKHERE | Workplace location | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_TEMPWORK | Permanent or temporary job | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
Nicaragua 2005 (continued) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
NI2005A_OCC3 | Occupation (ISCO 88, 3 digits) | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_CLASSWRK | Class of worker | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_IND3 | Industry (ISIC 3.1, 3 digits)) | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_HRSWORK | Hours of work last week | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_CHILDREN | Has had live-born children | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_CHBORN | Total live-born children | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_CHBORNM | Total live-born males | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_CHBORNF | Total live-born females | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_CHSURV | Total children currently alive | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_CHSURVM | Total males currently alive | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_CHSURVF | Total females currently alive | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_BTHMO | Month of birth of last live-born child | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_BTHYR | Year of birth of last live-born child | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_BIRTHLOC | Location where last child was born | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_BTHCERT | Certificate from Ministry of Health for last live-born child | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_BTHREG | Registration in civil registry office for last live-born child | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_ECON | Employment status | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_BPLDEPT | Department of birth | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_DEPT5YR | Department where lived in 2000 | P | Nicaragua 2005 | |
NI2005A_STUDY2 | Course of studies or major (2-digit) | P | Nicaragua 2005 |