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Mozambique 2007   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
MZ2007A_ARMS Amputated or atrophied arms P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_LEGS Amputated or atrophied legs P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_PARALYSIS Paralysis P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_MENTAL Mental deficiency P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_OTHDEFIC Other deficiency P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_BIRTHDEF Birth defect P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_DISEASE Disease P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_INJWAR Landmine or war injury P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_INJMILIT Military service injury P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_WORKACC Work related accident P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_CARACC Car accident P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_OTHERDIS Other disability P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_RELIG Religion P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_MORTMOT Mother alive P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_MORTFAT Father alive P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_CIVILREG Registered with civil registry P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_WHYNOT Reason not registered P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_PROV1 Province of residence 1 year ago P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_DIST1 District of residence 1 year ago P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_CTRY1 Country of residence 1 year ago P Mozambique 2007
Mozambique 2007   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
MZ2007A_PROV5 Province of residence 5 years ago P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_DIST5 District of residence 5 years ago P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_CTRY5 Foreign residence 5 years ago P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_LIT Literacy P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_PORTUG Speaks Portugese P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_LANG1 First language P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_LANG2 Language used most frequently P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_LANG3 Other languages used P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_SCHOOL School attendance P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_EDLEVEL Highest level of education P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_EDCOMP Completed highest level of education P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_HIGHED Higher education degree P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_EMPSTAT Economic activity P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_DOMESTWK Type of domestic work P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_SECTOR Sector P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_HRSWK Hours worked per day during the past week P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_MARST Marital status P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_CHBORNM Male children born alive P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_CHBORNF Female children born alive P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_CHSURVM Male children surviving P Mozambique 2007
Mozambique 2007   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
MZ2007A_CHSURVF Female children surviving P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_BRTHLYRM Male children born alive in the past 12 months P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_BRTHLYRF Female children born alive in the past 12 months P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_SURVLYRM Male children born alive in the last 12 months and still living P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_SURVLYRF Female children born alive in the past 12 months and still living P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_OCC Occupation P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_IND Industry P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_DIST5H District of residence 5 years ago P Mozambique 2007