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Mexico 2015   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
MX2015A_CLASSWK Position at work P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_BONUS Receives 13th month obligatory bonus P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_VACPAY Receives vacation pay P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_HLTHBENS Receives health care benefits P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_PROFSHAR Receives profit sharing bonus P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_LEAVEPAY Receives paid leave P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_RETIRE Receives SAR or AFORE (retirement savings) P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_HOUSCRED Receives housing credit P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_INCOME Monthly income from working (in pesos) P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_IND Industry P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_WORKMUN Municipality or country of job location P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_WORKSTAT State or country of job location P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_TRANTIMWORK Transportation time from the dwelling to the workplace P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_TRANWORK1 Usual type of transport from the dwelling to the workplace P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_TRANWORK2 Second type of transport from the dwelling to the workplace P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_TRANWORK3 Third type of transport from the dwelling to the workplace P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_HRSDISA Hours spent last week taking care of persons with disabilities that need special care (without pay) P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_HRSSICK Hours spent last week taking care of sick persons that need special care (without pay) P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_HRSCH06 Hours spent last week taking care of a healthy child less than 6 years old (without pay) P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_HRSCH614 Hours spent last week taking care of a healthy child between 6 and 14 years old (without pay) P Mexico 2015
Mexico 2015   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
MX2015A_HRSELDER Hours spent last week taking care of an elderly age 60 or more that needs continuous care (without pay) P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_HRSFOOD Hours spent last week preparing or serving food for the family (without pay) P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_HRSDOMWK Hours spent last week cleaning his or her own house or washing, ironing clothes for the family (without pay) P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_HRSGROCERY Hours spent last week doing grocery shopping or getting cleaning supplies (without pay) P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_CHBORN Number of live-born children P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_CHDEAD Number of deceased children P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_CHSURV Number of surviving children P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_LSTBMON Month of birth of last live-born child P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_LSTBYEAR Year of birth of last live-born child P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_LSTBSURV Last live-born child alive P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_LSTBAGEDTH1 Age of child at death (days) P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_LSTBAGEDTH2 Age of child at death (months) P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_LSTBAGEDTH3 Age of child at death (years) P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_SIZECOP County size P Mexico 2015