Mexico 2000 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
MX2000A_NOINSR | No insurance | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_DISMOB | Disability, mobility | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_DISARM | Disability, use of hands and arms | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_DISHEAR | Disability, deaf or uses a hearing aid | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_DISMUTE | Disability, mute | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_DISBLIN | Disability, blind or sees only shadows | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_DISMENT | Disability, mental disability or retardation | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_DISOTH | Disability, another physical or mental limitation | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_DISNO | Disability | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_DISWHY | Reason for the disability | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_USEHS | Uses health services | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_RESENT | State or country of residence in 1995 | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_MIGWHY | Reason for migration | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_RESMUN | Municipality of residence in 1995 | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_ILANG1 | Speak an indigenous language or dialect | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_ILANG2 | Language or dialect spoken | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_SPANISH | Also speaks Spanish | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_LIT | Literacy | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_ATTEND | School attendance | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_WHYLEAV | Reason for leaving school | P | Mexico 2000 | |
Mexico 2000 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
MX2000A_SCHYR | School grade completed | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_EDLEV1 | Academic level | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_EDANT | Educational antecedent (for normal, technical, professional) | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_EDSTUDY | Name of the course of study (normal, technical, commercial or professional studies, master's degree or doctorate) | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_EDLEV2 | Academic level and schooling antecedent | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_EDACCUM | Years of schooling completed | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_RELIG | Religion | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_ETHNIC | Ethnic identity | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_MARST | Marital status | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_ECONACT | Economic activity status | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_OCC4 | Occupation, 4 digits | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_CLASSWKR | Class of worker | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_BENVAC | Benefits, paid vacations | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_BENBONU | Benefits, Christmas bonus | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_BENPROF | Benefits, profit sharing | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_BENMEDI | Benefits, health insurance (IMSS, ISSSTE, other) | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_BENRETI | Benefits, pension or retirement (SAR, AFORE) | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_WKHR | Hours worked | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_INCWK | Monthly income from work | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_IND3 | Industry, 3 digits | P | Mexico 2000 | |
Mexico 2000 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
MX2000A_WKMUN | Municipality of work | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_WKST | State or country of work | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_INCRET | Receives income from retirement or pension | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_INCRET1 | Monthly income from retirement or pension | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_INCMIG | Receives income from relative other country | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_INCMIG1 | Income from relative in other country | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_INCREL | Receives income from relative within Mexico | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_INCREL1 | Monthly income from relative within Mexico | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_INCPRO | Receives income from Procampo or Progresa | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_INCPRO1 | Monthly income from Procampo or Progresa | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_INCOTH | Receives other income such as scholarships, investments, bank interest | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_INCOTH1 | Income from other source | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_INCPER1 | Other income per person | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_INCPER2 | Total income per person | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_CHBORN | Children born alive | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_CHDEAD | Number of children who have died | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_CHLIVE | Number of children currently alive | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_BDAY | Month of last birth | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_BYR | Year of last birth | P | Mexico 2000 | |
MX2000A_LASTLIV | Is last birth currently alive | P | Mexico 2000 |