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Kenya 2009   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
KE2009A_CHBORNM Number of boys born alive P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_CHBORNF Number of girls born alive P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_HOMECHM Number of boys born alive living in household P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_HOMECHF Number of girls born alive living in household P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_CHAWAYM Number of boys born alive living elsewhere P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_CHAWAYF Number of girls born alive living elsewhere P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_CHDEADM Number of boys born alive who have died P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_CHDEADF Number of girls born alive who have died P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_LBCHMO Month of birth of the last child born alive P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_LBCHYR Year of birth of the last child born alive P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_LBNOTIF Last birth notified P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_LBCHSEX Sex of last child P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_LBCHLIVE Last child born is alive P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_DISAB1 Disability 1 P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_DISAB2 Disability 2 P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_DISAB3 Disability 3 P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_WKDISAB Difficulty working due to disability P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_SCHOOL School enrollment status P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_EDLEVEL Highest education level P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_EDATTAN Highest education level completed P Kenya 2009
Kenya 2009   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
KE2009A_EMPSTAT Economic activity in the last 7 days P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_EMPSECT Main employer P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_HRSWKWK Hours worked in the last 7 days P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_RADIOSVC Radio service P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_TVSVC TV service P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_CELLPHSV Mobile phone service P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_PHONESVC Landline telephone service P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_CPTRSVC Computer service P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_INTERNET Internet use P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_WEBLOC Main internet location P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_FLAGP12 Imputation flag: age P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_FLAGP39 Imputation flag: school P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_FLAGFERT Imputation flag: fertility P Kenya 2009