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Jordan 2004   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
JO2004A_SEWER Type of sewage system H Jordan 2004
JO2004A_TOILET Availability of toilet in the housing unit H Jordan 2004
JO2004A_KITCHEN Availability of independent kitchen in the housing unit H Jordan 2004
JO2004A_ROOM Total number of rooms in the housing unit H Jordan 2004
JO2004A_ROOMBD Total number of bedrooms in the housing unit H Jordan 2004
JO2004A_HHNO Number of households in the housing unit H Jordan 2004
JO2004A_PERHU Number of persons in the housing unit H Jordan 2004
JO2004A_FIRSTHH First housing unit in the building H Jordan 2004
JO2004A_BLDTY1 Type of building H Jordan 2004
JO2004A_CONYR Year of laying foundation of the building H Jordan 2004
JO2004A_BLDTY2 Type of occupancy H Jordan 2004
JO2004A_WALL Dominant material of outside walls of the building H Jordan 2004
JO2004A_STORIES Number of floors H Jordan 2004
JO2004A_ELEVAT Availability of elevator H Jordan 2004
JO2004A_HHUNB Number of housing units in the building H Jordan 2004
JO2004A_HHNB Number of households in the building H Jordan 2004
JO2004A_PERNB Number of persons in the building H Jordan 2004
JO2004A_STRATA Strata H Jordan 2004
JO2004A_PERNUMO Serial number of person P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_RELATE Relationship to head of household P Jordan 2004
Jordan 2004   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
JO2004A_SEX Sex P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_BIRMON Month of birth P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_BIRYR Year of birth P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_AGE Age in completed years P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_MEDINS Medically insured P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_INSCIV Type of health insurance, civilian P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_INSMIL Type of health insurance, military P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_INSUNIV Type of health insurance, official universities P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_INSPRIV Type of health insurance, private P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_INSTOT Type of health insurance, total P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_NATION Nationality P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_NATNUM Has discrete national number P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_RESABR Reason for residence in either Jordan or abroad P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_RESDUR Duration of residence in current place (Jordanians) and in Jordan (non-Jordanians) in years P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_SCHOOL Has ever been to school P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_EDLEV1 Education level attending P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_GRADE Grade attending P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_EDUC Level and grade of current enrollment P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_EDLEV2 Educational status P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_MARST Marital status P Jordan 2004
Jordan 2004   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
JO2004A_WORK Worked during the week that ended in October 1, 2004 P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_WKABS Had a job but did not practice it P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_WKHOUR Total number of hours worked in all jobs P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_WKSECT Type of establishment in which the person works P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_IND Major current economic activity of the establishment P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_CLASWK1 Employment status P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_WKREADY Prepared to start the job if offered P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_WKSEEK Actively searched for work P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_CLASWK2 Class of worker P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_EMPSTAT Economic situation P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_DISAB Kind of handicap P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_OCC3 Major current occupation (3-digit) P Jordan 2004