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Italy 2001   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
IT2001A_ITALARRIV Year moved to Italy P Italy 2001
IT2001A_WHYHERE Main reason for presence in Italy P Italy 2001
IT2001A_MARST Marital status P Italy 2001
IT2001A_MARYEAR Year of most recent marriage P Italy 2001
IT2001A_MARSTPR Marital status prior to last marriage P Italy 2001
IT2001A_PRESENT Person's location on the date of the Census (21 October 2001) P Italy 2001
IT2001A_OTHRACCO Lived in other accommodation or institutional household during the past 12 months P Italy 2001
IT2001A_DAYOTACC Number of days in which lived other than in the present accommodation or institution P Italy 2001
IT2001A_LIVOTACC Currently living, even for a limited period of time, in one or more accommodation or institutional household other than the present P Italy 2001
IT2001A_LOCOTACC Location of the accommodation or institutional household other than the present P Italy 2001
IT2001A_RESOTACC Main reason used other accommodation or institutional household P Italy 2001
IT2001A_PLACSTED Place of habitual residence one year ago P Italy 2001
IT2001A_PROVSTED Province of habitual residence one year ago P Italy 2001
IT2001A_CONTSTED Continent of habitual residence one year ago P Italy 2001
IT2001A_PRESCHL Preschool attendance P Italy 2001
IT2001A_EDATTAN Highest educational degree obtained P Italy 2001
IT2001A_EDDUR Duration of course P Italy 2001
IT2001A_POSTUNIV In possession of post-university specialization and/or research doctorate P Italy 2001
IT2001A_EDABROAD Highest educational certificate or degree was obtained abroad P Italy 2001
IT2001A_ANNI_TIT_STUD_ES Years needed to obtain this certificate/degree abroad P Italy 2001
Italy 2001   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
IT2001A_SCHOOL Enrolled in school or a post-diploma non-university course P Italy 2001
IT2001A_VOCTRAIN Attending a vocational training/updating course P Italy 2001
IT2001A_COURSE1 Type of course attended: professional training/updating course organized and/or financed by employer P Italy 2001
IT2001A_COURSE2 Type of course attended: professional training course offered by the region, province, etc P Italy 2001
IT2001A_COURSE3 Type of course attended: private professional training course P Italy 2001
IT2001A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Italy 2001
IT2001A_WORKED Worked one or more hours of paid work, or as contributing family worker P Italy 2001
IT2001A_JOBSEEK Actively tried to find a job or attempted to open own activity P Italy 2001
IT2001A_WILLWORK Would be willing to start work within 2 weeks, should the opportunity arise P Italy 2001
IT2001A_HADJOB Ever held a paid job or worked as a contributing family worker during their lifetime P Italy 2001
IT2001A_WORKEDOCT Worked during the week of 14 to 20 October P Italy 2001
IT2001A_WHYWORKED Reason did not work during the week of 14 to 20 October P Italy 2001
IT2001A_HRWORKED Number of hours worked during the week of 14 to 20 October P Italy 2001
IT2001A_WKFULL Full-time or part-time work P Italy 2001
IT2001A_CLASSWKR Class of worker P Italy 2001
IT2001A_PAIDWKR Have paid employees P Italy 2001
IT2001A_WRKCONDI Indefinite or definite job P Italy 2001
IT2001A_CONTRACT Type of work contract P Italy 2001
IT2001A_OCC Occupation P Italy 2001
IT2001A_IND Industry P Italy 2001
Italy 2001   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
IT2001A_WRKPLC1 Travel daily to place of study or work P Italy 2001
IT2001A_WRKPLC2 From which accommodation the person goes out to reach the place of study or work P Italy 2001
IT2001A_REENTER Re-enters from his/her usual place of study or work to the accommodation every day P Italy 2001
IT2001A_WKPL Usual place of study or work P Italy 2001
IT2001A_REGWKPL Region of usual place of study or work P Italy 2001
IT2001A_CNTWKPL Continent of usual place of study or work P Italy 2001
IT2001A_HRLVHM Hour person left the house for his/her usual place of study or work P Italy 2001
IT2001A_MINLVHM Minute person left the house for his/her usual place of study or work P Italy 2001
IT2001A_TIMECOMU Time to go to the usual place of study or work (one way) P Italy 2001
IT2001A_TRANCOMU Means of transportation used to cover the longest stretch of your trip to the usual place of study or work P Italy 2001
IT2001A_OCCUPIED Occupied P Italy 2001