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Indonesia 1976   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
ID1976A_KNOWSTER Knowledge of female sterilization P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_KNOWRTHM Knowledge of rhythm method P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_KNOWABST Knowledge of abstinence P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_KNOWVAS Knowledge of vasectomy P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_KNOWJAMU Knowledge of jamu P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_USEPLAN Ever used family planning methods P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_USEPILL Used the pill P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_USEIUD Used IUD P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_USECNDM Used condom P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_USECI Used coitus interrupts P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_USESTER Used female sterilization P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_USERTHM Used rhythm method P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_USEABST Used abstinence method P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_USEVAS Used vasectomy method P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_USEOTH Methods used P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_CURRPLAN Current uses family planning methods P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_CURRPILL Currently uses the pill P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_CURRIUD Currently uses IUD P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_CURRCNDM Currently uses condom P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_CURRCI Currently uses coitus interrupts P Indonesia 1976
Indonesia 1976   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
ID1976A_CURRSTER Currently uses female sterilization P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_CURRRTHM Currently uses rhythm method P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_CURRABST Currently uses abstinence P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_CURRVAS Currently uses vasectomy P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_CURROTH Currently uses other method P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_PERWT Person weight P Indonesia 1976