Indonesia 1976 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
ID1976A_EDLEVEL | Highest grade attending/attended | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_EDATTAN | Highest grade attending/attended | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_LIT | Literacy | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_MOMSTAT | Status of mother | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_MOMLOC | Line number of mother | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_OLDEST | Mother's eldest child | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_OLDERSIB | Older sibling still living | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_POPSTAT | Status of father | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_POPLOC | Line number of father | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_BPL | District/municipality of birth | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_MIG5YR | Resident in current district 5 years ago | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_PLACE5YR | Place of residence 5 years ago | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_RES5YR | District/municipality living in 5 years ago | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_MIGREAS | Reason for move | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_EMPSTAT | Primary activity during past week | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_WORKED | Worked one or more hours during past week | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_OCC | Primary occupation during past week | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_OCC2 | Primary occupation during past week (2 digit) | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_IND | Industry | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_CLASSWK | Worker status | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
Indonesia 1976 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
ID1976A_HHWORK | Locus of activity | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_HRSWORK | Hours worked past week | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_JOBS2 | Secondary jobs during past week | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_NJOBS | Number of additional jobs in past week | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_LOOKWK | Looking for work | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_LOOKMO | Number of months looking for work | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_SEEKFAM | Asked family/friends for work | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_SEEKAD | Replied to advertisement for work | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_SEEKAPP | Applied to factory/office for work | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_SEEKEXCH | Registered with employment exchange for work | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_SEEKOTH | Other effort in looking for work | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_WANTWORK | Desire for work | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_UACTIVTY | Usual activity during past year | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_WORK2MO | Worked for more than 2 months last year | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_UOCC | Usual occupation during past year | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_USUOCC2 | Usual occupation during past year | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_UIND | Industry of usual occupation last year | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_STATUSYR | Worker status last year | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_HHWORKYR | Locus of activity last year | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_AVGINC | Average monthly income during past year | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
Indonesia 1976 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
ID1976A_FIRSTMAR | First marriage | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_MARRNUM | Number of times married | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_MOMARR | Month of first marriage | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_YRMARR | Year of first marriage | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_AGEMARR | Age at first marriage | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_CHBORN | Children ever born | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_CHHOME | Children living at home | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_CHAWAY | Children living away from home | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_CHDIED | Children who have died | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_LSTBTHMO | Month of last live birth | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_LSTBTHYR | Year of last live birth | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_LSTBSEX | Sex of last live birth | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_MORTSTAT | Status of baby | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_ADDCHILD | Wants additional children | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_FAMPLAN | Ever heard of family planning | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_PLANMETH | Knowledge of family planning methods | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_KNOWPILL | Knowledge of the pill | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_KNOWIUD | Knowledge of IUD | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_KNOWCNDM | Knowledge of condom | P | Indonesia 1976 | |
ID1976A_KNOWCI | Knowledge of coitus interrupts | P | Indonesia 1976 |