Haiti 2003 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
HT2003A_NHHDEATH | Number of deaths in the household during the past 12 months | H | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_DTHSEX1 | Sex (first household death) | H | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_DTHAGE1 | Age (first household death) | H | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_DTHSEX2 | Sex (second household death) | H | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_DTHSEX3 | Sex (third household death) | H | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_SIZEHH | Size of the household | H | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_NPERSONS | Number of persons | H | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_COLLECTV | Summary variable for collective households | H | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_STRATA | Strata | H | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_SEQNUM | Sequence number | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_ORDERNUM | Order number | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_RELATE | Relationship to head of household | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_SEX | Sex | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_AGE | Age | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_BTHCERT | Birth certificate | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_MOTHALIV | Mother alive | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_OLDCHDRS | Older child currently residing in Haiti | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_RELIG | Professed religion | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_DISAB | Any disability | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_BLIND | Diability, blindness | P | Haiti 2003 | |
Haiti 2003 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
HT2003A_DEAF | Disability, deafness | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_MUTE | Disability, mute | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_UPLIMB | Disability, upper limbs | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_LOWLIMB | Disability, lower limbs | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_MENTALD | Disability, mental development | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_MENTALILL | Disability, mental illness | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_OTHDISAB | Disability, other | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_RESBPL | Length of residence in the city, district, or communal section | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_READ | Knows how to read and write | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_EDUC | Education level completed | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_YREDUC | Year completed or class for completed level of education | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_VOCAT | Took courses in technical and professional training | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_FIELDUNV | Field of study at university | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_FIELDVOC | Field of study at technical or professional training center | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_SCHOOL | School or university attended during 2001-2002 | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_ATTPROF | Professional or technical training center attended during 2001-2002 | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_ATTLITCTR | Literacy center attended during 2001-2002 | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_ATTNOCTR | Attended a school or training center during 2001-2002 | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_TYUNIV | Type of school/university establishment attended during 2001-2002 | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_TYPTRAIN | Type of professional or technical training center attended during 2001-2002 | P | Haiti 2003 | |
Haiti 2003 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
HT2003A_TYLITCENT | Type of literacy center attended during 2001-2002 | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_MARST | Marital Status | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_EMPLSTAT | Terms of occupation | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_ECONACT | Engaged in economic activity | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_IND2 | Industry, 3 digits | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_OCC2 | Occupation, 3 digits | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_TYPEMPL | Type of employer | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_EMPLOYM | Type of employment | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_WORKPLAC | Main place of work | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_CHLIVE | Had a child born alive | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_CHBORN | Number of children born alive | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_CHSURV | Number of children born alive currently alive | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_LSTBMO | Month of last live birth | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_LSTBYR | Year of last live birth | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_LSTBLIVE | Last born still alive | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_MTHDEATH | Month of death of last-born child | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_YRDEATH | Year of death of last-born child | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_BPL2 | Country or arrondissement of birth | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_PREVRES2 | Country or arrondissement of residence in December 1997 | P | Haiti 2003 | |
HT2003A_IND | Industry, 2 digits | P | Haiti 2003 |