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France 1982   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
FR1982A_HIGHDEG Higher education degree P France 1982
FR1982A_DEGREE Type of degree P France 1982
FR1982A_SCHOOL School attendance P France 1982
FR1982A_STUDENT Student P France 1982
FR1982A_AGESCHL Age completed education P France 1982
FR1982A_ACTIV3 Type of non-work activity P France 1982
FR1982A_PREVREG Region of previous residence P France 1982
FR1982A_MIGRANT Indication of recent move P France 1982
FR1982A_OCC Occupation P France 1982
FR1982A_IND Industry, 100 categories P France 1982
FR1982A_IND15 Industry, 15 categories P France 1982
FR1982A_INDEU Industry, European Union nomenclature P France 1982
FR1982A_INDUN Industry, United Nations nomenclature P France 1982
FR1982A_EMPLOYS Number of paid employees P France 1982
FR1982A_PRINCJOB Principal job P France 1982
FR1982A_PAIDEMPS Sector of firm of employee P France 1982
FR1982A_FIRMSIZE Size of firm P France 1982
FR1982A_CLASS1 General class of worker P France 1982
FR1982A_CLASSWKR Class of worker P France 1982
FR1982A_PLACEWRK Place of work P France 1982
France 1982   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
FR1982A_PLACEWK1 Works abroad P France 1982
FR1982A_WORKREG Place of work, region P France 1982
FR1982A_SPREVREG SAPHIR region of previous residence P France 1982
FR1982A_SREGBPL SAPHIR region of birth P France 1982
FR1982A_SREGWORK SAPHIR region of work place P France 1982
FR1982A_SCITIZEN SAPHIR citizenship P France 1982
FR1982A_SNATION SAPHIR nationality P France 1982
FR1982A_SDIPLOMA SAPHIR diploma P France 1982
FR1982A_SACTIVITY SAPHIR activity type P France 1982
FR1982A_SCLASS SAPHIR class of worker P France 1982
FR1982A_SOCC SAPHIR occupation P France 1982
FR1982A_MIGRATE Migration P France 1982